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bounding data to mschart so i can return non-data point-values

I'm trying to build a chart composed of up-to-100% stacked columns, each with 4 series and, once built, upon hovering upon the series, return all bound data (in this case, user names)

I'm very close to what i want, but the tooltip is showing only the sums, which is expected, but i dont know how to proceed. If there's another way that passes over the hover, like clicking and, in the click, I recognize the series and all those that are there, that would help immensely too

What I Have right now

What I Want

After looking it up, i built the chart this way: (right now its a code nightmare, but i will methodify everything properly later)

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim sql As New SqlCommand(my query, my connector)
Dim rs = sql.ExecuteReader
Dim dtTest1 As DataTable = New DataTable
If rs.Read Then
End If

    Dim arrayTempoCallback(dtTest1.Rows.Count) As Double
    Dim arrayTempoInaptidao(dtTest1.Rows.Count) As Double
    Dim arrayTempoParabens(dtTest1.Rows.Count) As Double
    Dim arrayTempoRecusa(dtTest1.Rows.Count) As Double
    Dim arrayTempoSemDados(dtTest1.Rows.Count) As Double

    For Each item In dtTest1.Rows
        arrayTempoCallback(dtTest1.Rows.IndexOf(item)) = item("TEMPO_CALLBACK")
        arrayTempoInaptidao(dtTest1.Rows.IndexOf(item)) = item("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO")
        arrayTempoParabens(dtTest1.Rows.IndexOf(item)) = item("TEMPO_PARABENS")
        arrayTempoRecusa(dtTest1.Rows.IndexOf(item)) = item("TEMPO_RECUSA")
        arrayTempoSemDados(dtTest1.Rows.IndexOf(item)) = item("TEMPO_SEMDADOS")

    Dim QuartisCallBack = Quartiles(arrayTempoCallback)
    Dim QuartisTempoInaptidao = Quartiles(arrayTempoInaptidao)
    Dim QuartisTempoParabens = Quartiles(arrayTempoParabens)
    Dim QuartisTempoRecusa = Quartiles(arrayTempoRecusa)
    Dim QuartisTempoSemDados = Quartiles(arrayTempoSemDados)

    Dim tabelafinal As New DataTable
    tabelafinal.Columns.Add("VALORES", GetType(String))
    tabelafinal.Columns.Add("COLUNA", GetType(String))
    tabelafinal.Columns.Add("COR", GetType(String))
    Dim somaS As Integer = 0
    Dim somaH As Integer = 0
    Dim somaC As Integer = 0
    Dim somaD As Integer = 0

    For Each linha In dtTest1.Rows
        If linha("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO") < QuartisTempoInaptidao.Item1 Then
            somaS += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO") >= QuartisTempoInaptidao.Item1 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO") < QuartisTempoInaptidao.Item2 Then
            somaH += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO") >= QuartisTempoInaptidao.Item2 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO") < QuartisTempoInaptidao.Item3 Then
            somaC += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_INAPTIDAO") >= QuartisTempoInaptidao.Item3 Then
            somaD += 1
        End If

    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaS, "TM_INAP", "D")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaH, "TM_INAP", "C")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaC, "TM_INAP", "H")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaD, "TM_INAP", "S")
    somaC = somaD = somaH = somaS = 0

    For Each linha In dtTest1.Rows
        If linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoParabens.Item1 Then
            somaS += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") >= QuartisTempoParabens.Item1 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoParabens.Item2 Then
            somaH += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") >= QuartisTempoParabens.Item2 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoParabens.Item3 Then
            somaC += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") >= QuartisTempoParabens.Item3 Then
            somaD += 1
        End If

    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaS, "TM_PARABENS", "S")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaH, "TM_PARABENS", "H")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaC, "TM_PARABENS", "C")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaD, "TM_PARABENS", "D")
    somaC = somaD = somaH = somaS = 0

    For Each linha In dtTest1.Rows
        If linha("TEMPO_RECUSA") < QuartisTempoRecusa.Item1 Then
            somaS += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_RECUSA") >= QuartisTempoRecusa.Item1 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoRecusa.Item2 Then
            somaH += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_RECUSA") >= QuartisTempoRecusa.Item2 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoRecusa.Item3 Then
            somaC += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_RECUSA") >= QuartisTempoRecusa.Item3 Then
            somaD += 1
        End If

    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaS, "TM_RECUSA", "S")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaH, "TM_RECUSA", "H")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaC, "TM_RECUSA", "C")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaD, "TM_RECUSA", "D")

    somaC = somaD = somaH = somaS = 0

    For Each linha In dtTest1.Rows
        If linha("TEMPO_SEMDADOS") < QuartisTempoSemDados.Item1 Then
            somaS += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_SEMDADOS") >= QuartisTempoSemDados.Item1 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoSemDados.Item2 Then
            somaH += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_SEMDADOS") >= QuartisTempoSemDados.Item2 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisTempoSemDados.Item3 Then
            somaC += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_SEMDADOS") >= QuartisTempoSemDados.Item3 Then
            somaD += 1
        End If
    Dim somaFinalSemDadosS As Integer = If(somaS < 0, 0, somaS)
    Dim somaFinalSemDadosH As Integer = If(somaH < 0, 0, somaH)
    Dim somaFinalSemDadosC As Integer = If(somaC < 0, 0, somaC)
    Dim somaFinalSemDadosD As Integer = If(somaD < 0, 0, somaD)

    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalSemDadosS, "TM_SEMDADOS", "S")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalSemDadosH, "TM_SEMDADOS", "H")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalSemDadosC, "TM_SEMDADOS", "C")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalSemDadosD, "TM_SEMDADOS", "D")

    somaC = somaD = somaH = somaS = 0

    For Each linha In dtTest1.Rows
        If linha("TEMPO_CALLBACK") < QuartisCallBack.Item1 Then
            somaS += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_CALLBACK") >= QuartisCallBack.Item1 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisCallBack.Item2 Then
            somaH += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_CALLBACK") >= QuartisCallBack.Item2 AndAlso linha("TEMPO_PARABENS") < QuartisCallBack.Item3 Then
            somaC += 1
        ElseIf linha("TEMPO_CALLBACK") >= QuartisCallBack.Item3 Then
            somaD += 1
        End If
    Dim somaFinalCallBackS As Integer = If(somaS < 0, 0, somaS)
    Dim somaFinalCallBackH As Integer = If(somaH < 0, 0, somaH)
    Dim somaFinalCallBackC As Integer = If(somaC < 0, 0, somaC)
    Dim somaFinalCallBackD As Integer = If(somaD < 0, 0, somaD)

    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalCallBackS, "TEMPO_CALLBACK", "S")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalCallBackH, "TEMPO_CALLBACK", "H")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalCallBackC, "TEMPO_CALLBACK", "C")
    tabelafinal.Rows.Add(somaFinalCallBackD, "TEMPO_CALLBACK", "D")

    Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(tabelafinal)

    Chart1.DataBindCrossTable(dv, "COR", "COLUNA", "VALORES", "")

    For Each cs As Series In Chart1.Series
        cs.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn100
        cs.ToolTip = "Pessoas = #VALY"
End Sub

Friend Function Quartiles(ByVal afVal As Double()) As Tuple(Of Double, Double, Double)
    Dim iSize As Integer = afVal.Length
    Dim iMid As Integer = iSize / 2
    Dim fQ1 As Double = 0
    Dim fQ2 As Double = 0
    Dim fQ3 As Double = 0

    If iSize Mod 2 = 0 Then
        fQ2 = (afVal(iMid - 1) + afVal(iMid)) / 2
        Dim iMidMid As Integer = iMid / 2

        If iMid Mod 2 = 0 Then
            fQ1 = (afVal(iMidMid - 1) + afVal(iMidMid)) / 2
            fQ3 = (afVal(iMid + iMidMid - 1) + afVal(iMid + iMidMid)) / 2
            fQ1 = afVal(iMidMid)
            fQ3 = afVal(iMidMid + iMid)
        End If
    ElseIf iSize = 1 Then
        fQ1 = afVal(0)
        fQ2 = afVal(0)
        fQ3 = afVal(0)
        fQ2 = afVal(iMid)

        If (iSize - 1) Mod 4 = 0 Then
            Dim n As Integer = (iSize - 1) / 4
            fQ1 = (afVal(n - 1) * 0.25) + (afVal(n) * 0.75)
            fQ3 = (afVal(3 * n) * 0.75) + (afVal(3 * n + 1) * 0.25)
        ElseIf (iSize - 3) Mod 4 = 0 Then
            Dim n As Integer = (iSize - 3) / 4
            fQ1 = (afVal(n) * 0.75) + (afVal(n + 1) * 0.25)
            fQ3 = (afVal(3 * n + 1) * 0.25) + (afVal(3 * n + 2) * 0.75)
        End If
    End If

    Return New Tuple(Of Double, Double, Double)(fQ1, fQ2, fQ3)
End Function
End Class


  • If I understand correctly, you are trying to show a tooltip (when hovering the cursor over one colored 'block' in the chart) that shows information about the data that makes up the point.

    The problem is that each 'block' is only a single X and Y value. For example: The DataPoint behind the tooltip that shows 'Pessoas = 392' is actually just a simple DataPoint (Series-S X=5 Y=392) with no additional information.

    To show a tooltip the way you want each one will have to be pre-set, like this:

    point.ToolTip = "User1 in the series\nUser2 in the series\n..."