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Sample Code: VB getNamedItem XML attribute in Microsoft MSXML.DOMDocument

Apologies, I know this is olden days stuff but I'm suffering a bit of brain fade here, I just need a specific code example to get on...

This is the problem using an XML snippet returnd by a remote service

  <push-response push-id="99c2d0d3-6cce-4207-88c4-54bc8e852501">
    <address address-value="WIN">5557489580</address>
    <response-result code="1000"/>

I wrote a simple VB function years ago that extracts the data I want from the XML

<%@ Page Language="VB" explicit="true" validateRequest="false" %>
<%@ Import namespace="ADODB" %>
<%@ Import namespace="WinHttp" %>
<%@ Import namespace="MSXML" %>
<%@ Import namespace="Scripting" %>

<script language="VB" runat="Server">

Function ExtractDataFromXML2(ByRef sInputXML As String) As String
Dim XMLDom As MSXML.DOMDocument
Dim currNode As MSXML.IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim sError As String
Dim sMessageID As String
Dim sResult As String

XMLDom = New MSXML.DOMDocument
XMLDom.async = False
If (XMLDom.loadXML(sInputXML) = False) Then
    sResult = "XML Parse Error: " & XMLDom.parseError.reason & " code=" & XMLDom.parseError.errorCode & " " & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    currNode = XMLDom.selectNodes("//push-response")
    For Each Node In currNode
        sError = Node.selectSingleNode("response-result").attributes.getNamedItem("code").Text
        sMessageID = "rubbish"
        If sError = "1000" Then
            sResult = Node.selectSingleNode("address").Text & "@" & sMessageID
            sResult = "Error " & sError & ": " & Node.selectSingleNode("response-result").attributes.getNamedItem("desc").Text          
        End If
    Next Node
End If
ExtractDataFromXML2 = sResult
End Function


For the life of me, I can't remember how to get that GUID push-id into my sMessageID currently initialised "rubbish"

Works fine otherwise... just ONE LINE of VB required, please..?


  • It should be.

    sMessageID = Node.attributes.getNamedItem("push-id").Text