I am building a wireframe for a future application and would like a grid with a checkbox column on the left. I am using the empty checkbox widget [ ]
inside a table.
Here is my code:
[ ]|Row data
I am finding that the checkbox is rendering as a button. Is there a way to get this to render as an empty checkbox?
I have come up with a work around that takes advantage of the UTF-8 characters U+2610 and U+2612. This more or less gives me what I am after, but I'll leave the question open for a few days in case someone has an actual solution.
☐|Row data
☒|Row data
Here is another workaround
[ ]⠀| Row data
[x]⠀| Row data
it's not visible at the plain eye but since to be recognized as textbox it needs some text in front of the []
I added UTF character U+2800 that is a blank space.