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How to get touch pad up, down, left and right touches from Samsung gear vr?

I am trying to get touches on left , right , up and down touches of Samsung Gear vr touch pad (which is given at right side of Gear vr)

if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(button))
displayText.text = "Track pad touch down";
else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(button))
displayText.text = "Track pad touch up";

When I tried above code for each touch down and touch up I am getting the out put but I need for particular buttons left ,right , up ,down and center.

I want something like this

displayText.text = "left button clicked"
else if(Input.touchpad.right)
displayText.text = "right button clicked"

//and same for up , down and the middle button also. Any suggestion will be appreciated , thank you!


  • On the latest GearVR (black one), the headset touchpad doesn't have buttons but rather one single capacitive area.

    You can retrieve which area you are touching with OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.PrimaryTouchpad), store it then process the touch with OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Touch.PrimaryTouchpad).

    further documentation about Oculus input is available here.