I have cards which are meant to appear on top of each other but for some reason they are all in the same z position, despite me increasing the offset at the end of each iteration.
The offset does successfully grow but when looking at the cards in scene their z position is always 0.
Given that the z offset is larger with each iteration, each card should be on top of the one before it. I tried changing the offsets to more drastic values (like 0.5 instead of 0.03) and this didn't solve it.
I've tried including tableauPos[i]
before the transform and that doesn't fix it either.
Code for placing the cards:
for (int i = 0; i<7; i++)
float yOffset = 0;
float zOffset = 0.03f;
foreach(string card in tableaus[i])
//yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.01f);
GameObject newCard = Instantiate(cardPrefab, new Vector3(tableauPos[i].transform.position.x, tableauPos[i].transform.position.y - yOffset, transform.position.z - zOffset),Quaternion.identity, tableauPos[i].transform);
newCard.name = card;
newCard.GetComponent<Selectable>().row = i;
if (card == tableaus[i][tableaus[i].Count-1])
newCard.GetComponent<Selectable>().faceUp = true;
yOffset += 0.3f;
zOffset += 0.03f;
Cards in game:
Their side profile in scene:
Diagonal profile in scene:
And if I move the camera a certain way, which card is visible changes.
Same cards as prior but can see king now:
If you're using SpriteRenderer
s for the cards, you need to use settings such as Sorting Layer
and Order in Layer
rather than the Z position in the transform.
The higher the number, the closer the GameObject looks to the Camera. (docs)
More info: https://discussions.unity.com/t/how-to-set-sprite-rendering-order-for-a-card-game/937796
The default 3D Renderers draw stuff according to Z depth - distance from camera.
Sprites draw according to Sorting Layer and Sorting Depth (properties of the Sprite Renderer)
There's also this if you want to get more sophisticated: Unity Manual - 2D Renderer Sorting