So recently I uninstalled Visual Studio 2022 and reinstalled it on the same day but after this I am getting this weird issue where Visual Studio shows red squiggles on random methods and variables but there is no problem on Unity's end as my game works totally fine:
CS1061: 'CharacterStatSO' does not contain a definition for 'GetEditorCharacter' and no accessible extention method 'GetEditorCharacter' accepting a first argument of type 'CharacterStatSO' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I tried clearing temp files, I tried regenerating the project files, I deleted solution file and regenerated it but no luck. I tried to search it online but again no luck. My game is not breaking and building fine it's just that Visual Studio is having problems and showing false errors which is pretty annoying
Okay this is not an issue but it is actually a feature of Visual Studio, it was giving me red squiggles because I added the method under UNITY_EDITOR directive and was using it in a method that was not under that directive