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Alias of variable not working in operator overloading

I am learning operator overloading. I am trying to overload + operator in my code. When I am returning with implicit de-referencing, the output is gibberish.

If I explicit de-reference the variable when returning, it is working properly. Is the issue happening because I am referencing some temporary variable and it is destroyed, after coming out of the scope. If so, then why is explicit de-reference working? P.S. : I am aware that I can return without reference and I am not following rule of 3 in the code.

class ComplexNum
    int real, imaginary;
    ComplexNum(int x, int y);
    ComplexNum(const ComplexNum& other);

    int getReal() const;
    int getImaginary() const;

    const ComplexNum& operator=(const ComplexNum&);
    friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const ComplexNum& a);
    ComplexNum& operator+(const ComplexNum&);


ComplexNum::ComplexNum(int x, int y):real(x), imaginary(y)

ComplexNum::ComplexNum(const ComplexNum& other)
    this->real = other.real;
    this->imaginary = other.imaginary;


int ComplexNum::getReal() const
    return real;

int ComplexNum::getImaginary() const
    return this->imaginary;

const ComplexNum& ComplexNum::operator=(const ComplexNum& other)
    real = other.real;
    imaginary = other.imaginary;

    return *this;

ComplexNum& ComplexNum::operator+(const ComplexNum& other)
    ComplexNum a(real + other.getReal(), imaginary + other.getImaginary());
    return a;

/*the above one doesn't work but the below commented out works fine.*/
ComplexNum& ComplexNum::operator+(const ComplexNum& other)
    ComplexNum* a = new ComplexNum(real + other.getReal(), imaginary + other.getImaginary());
    return *a;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const ComplexNum& a)
    out << a.real << " & " << a.imaginary << "j";
    return out;

/*Here is how I am calling it in main*/
int main()
    ComplexNum complex(3, 4);
    ComplexNum c2(5, 6);
    cout << c2 << endl;
    ComplexNum& c3 = c2 + complex;
/*getting error in the below code. c3 is o/p gibberish value as if not initialized*/
    cout << c3<< " " << c2 << endl;
    return 0;

I am getting gibberish value, as if the the variable c3 is not initialized.


  • This code here causes a memory leak, because the pointer a is automatically deleted once the end of scope is reached and you have no way to delete the memory allocated in the heap by new. Unluckily for you, you dereferenced a right before it got deleted in the return statement, and you were able to access its' value, thinking that everything was alright.

    ComplexNum& ComplexNum::operator+(const ComplexNum& other)
        ComplexNum* a = new ComplexNum(real + other.getReal(), imaginary + other.getImaginary());
        return *a;

    To be honest, most of the code you have can be elided by using the = default specifier or not having them at all. Use it because it makes the code easy to read.

    Operators that are used to return a new instance of the class (ex. +,-,*,/), should not be returned by reference. Operators that modify the current instance of the class (ex. =,+=,-=,*=,/=), should be returned by reference.

    #include <iostream>
    struct ComplexNum
        int real;
        int imaginary;
        ComplexNum() = default;
        ComplexNum(int x, int y) : real(x), imaginary(y)
        friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const ComplexNum& a)
            out << a.real << " & " << a.imaginary << "j";
            return out;
        ComplexNum operator + (const ComplexNum &other)
            int r = this->real + other.real;
            int i = this->imaginary + other.imaginary;
            return ComplexNum(r,i);
        ComplexNum& operator += (const ComplexNum &other)
            this->real += other.real;
            this->imaginary += other.imaginary;
            return *this;
        ~ComplexNum() = default;
    int main()
        ComplexNum c1(3, 4);
        std::cout << c1 << std::endl;
        ComplexNum c2(5, 6);
        std::cout << c2 << std::endl;
        ComplexNum c3 = c1 + c2;
        std::cout << c3 << std::endl;
        c3 += c1;
        std::cout << c3 << std::endl;


    3 & 4j
    5 & 6j
    8 & 10j
    11 & 14j

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