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What is the rationale of making subtraction of two pointers not related to the same array undefined behavior?

According to the C++ draft expr.add when you subtract pointers of the same types, but not belonging to the same array, the behavior is undefined (emphasis is mine):

When two pointer expressions P and Q are subtracted, the type of the result is an implementation-defined signed integral type; this type shall be the same type that is defined as std::ptrdiff_­t in the header ([support.types]).

  • If P and Q both evaluate to null pointer values, the result is 0. (5.2)

  • Otherwise, if P and Q point to, respectively, elements x[i] and x[j] of the same array object x, the expression P - Q has the value i−j.

  • Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. [ Note: If the value i−j is not in the range of representable values of type std::ptrdiff_­t, the behavior is undefined. — end note  ]

What is the rationale for making such behavior undefined instead of, for instance, implementation-defined?


  • Speaking more academically: pointers are not numbers. They are pointers.

    It is true that a pointer on your system is implemented as a numerical representation of an address-like representation of a location in some abstract kind of memory (probably a virtual, per-process memory space).

    But C++ doesn't care about that. C++ wants you to think of pointers as post-its, as bookmarks, to specific objects. The numerical address values are just a side-effect. The only arithmetic that makes sense on a pointer is forwards and backwards through an array of objects; nothing else is philosophically meaningful.

    This may seem pretty arcane and useless, but it's actually deliberate and useful. C++ doesn't want to constrain implementations to imbuing further meaning to practical, low-level computer properties that it cannot control. And, since there is no reason for it to do so (why would you want to do this?) it just says that the result is undefined.

    In practice you may find that your subtraction works. However, compilers are extremely complicated and make great use of the standard's rules in order to generate the fastest code possible; that can and often will result in your program appearing to do strange things when you break the rules. Don't be too surprised if your pointer arithmetic operation is mangled when the compiler assumes that both the originating value and the result refer to the same array — an assumption that you violated.