Search code examples

How to make multiple "for" statements run efficiently in VBA

In my code there is a searching order and it does as folloing:

It takes each value (about 2000 ranges) in ws.sheet range A and looks it up in another sheet named wp.sheet range A (about 90 ranges). If a particular value x in ws.sheet range e.g A3 is not found in wp.sheet range A the next search order in sheet ws.sheet is the value y in the next range B3 (same row as value x) to be searched in sheet wp.sheet in the entire range B, and so on.

This is what my "for" loop does and the issue with my code is that it takes very long as it compares each value in ws.sheet range A1-2000 to the values in wp.sheet range A1-90. Is there an alternative which does it more quickly or more efficiently?

Dim wb As Workbook, wq As Object
Dim ws, wi As Worksheet, datDatum
Dim w As Long, I As Long, t As Long
Dim DefaultMsgBox()
Dim r, i As Integer    

For r = 2 To 2000

Check = True:

For i = 1 To 90
    If ws.Range("A" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("A" & i).Value Then
       ws.Range("G" & r).PasteSpecial
       GoTo NextR
    End If
Next i

For i = 1 To 90
     If ws.Range("B" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("B" & i).Value Then
        ws.Range("G" & r).PasteSpecial
        GoTo NextR
     End If
Next i

For i = 1 To 90
     If ws.Range("C" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("C" & i).Value And ws.Range("D" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("D" & i).Value Then
        ws.Range("G" & r).PasteSpecial
        GoTo NextR
     End If
 Next i

    If Not Check = ws.Range("A" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("A" & i).Value Or Not Check = ws.Range("B" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("A" & i).Value Or Not Check = ws.Range("C" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("C" & i).Value And ws.Range("D" & r).Value = wp.Sheets("ABC").Range("D" & i).Value Then
    MsgBox "......"
    End If
Next r
End sub


  • I would suggest turning off ScreenUpdating and using the Find function instead:

    Dim cell, foundValue, lookupRange As Range
    Set wp = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ABC")
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WS")
    r = 2
    number_r = 2000
    ru = 1
    number_ru = 90
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'Loop through each cell in WS, offsetting through columns A to C
    For Each cell In ws.Range("A" & r & ":A" & number_r)
        For i = 0 To 2
            'Define range to look up in ABC
            Set lookupRange = wp.Range(wp.Cells(ru, i + 1), wp.Cells(number_ru, i + 1))
            'Look for current WS cell on corresponding column in ABC
            Set foundValue = lookupRange.Find(cell.Offset(0, i).Value)
            'If cell is found in ABC...
            If Not foundValue Is Nothing Then
                Select Case i
                Case 2 'If found cell is in column C
                    Do 'Lookup loop start
                    'If same values on columns D...
                    If foundValue.Offset(0, 1).Value = cell.Offset(0, 3).Value Then
                        'Copy data to WS and switch to the next cell
                        ws.Range("G" & cell.Row).PasteSpecial
                        GoTo nextCell
                    'If not same values on columns D...
                        'Try to find next match, if any
                        Set foundValue = lookupRange.FindNext(foundValue)
                        If foundValue Is Nothing Then GoTo noMatchFound
                    End If
                    Loop 'Repeat until WS values in column C and D match ABC values in columns C and D
                Case Else 'If found cell is in column A or B
                    'Copy data to WS and switch to the next cell
                    ws.Range("G" & cell.Row).PasteSpecial
                    GoTo nextCell
                End Select
            End If
        Next i
        MsgBox "......" 'Message appears only when no match was found in column A, column B and column C + D
    Next cell
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True