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Add hyperlink to textbox in Access Report

I have an access report that I am populating a textbox on the report from VBA code. I am in need of a way to add a hyperlink to certain text in the textbox so that it will read like the below, so that only one word in the textbox is a hyperlink

This is text in textbox.  We are filled with random facts about fun stuff, 
and great <hyperlink>things</hyperlink>!!!


  • You have the tags vba and access-vba so I can provide a VBA solution for you. If you add a text box to your report, and set the name to textbox1 and open the properties and change the Text Format = Rich Text then you can use HTML in the VBA to code a hyperlink.

    Now with that being done open the VBE and in whatever event (button click, page load etc) - add this syntax

    Dim url as String
    url = ""
    Me.txtbox1.Text = "Text here for whatever now let's add the hyperlink " & _
                      "<a href = " & url & ">Hyperlink Text</a>!!!."

    Now when you view the report in Report View the site you put in for the variable url will be a hyperlink from the text above Hyperlink Text