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Excel's fullname property with OneDrive

If I want to use the open Workbook object to get the fullname of an Excel file after saving it, but that file has been synchronized to OneDrive, I get a "https" address instead of a local one, which other programs cannot interpret.
How do I get the local filename of a file like this?

Save a file to "C:\Users\user\OneDrive - Company\Documents".
OneDrive does its synchronization.
Querying Workbook.FullName now shows as "https://..."


  • Universal Solution & Meta-Analysis of All Solutions


    • For the solution, skip to the section The Solutions

    • For the meta-analysis, skip to the section Testing and comparison of solutions


    @Cristian Buse and I worked extensively on this problem after testing all other solutions available online and finding none of them universally accurate.

    In the end, both of us created independent solutions:

    • @Cristian Buse developed his solution as part of one of his excellent VBA Libraries, to be specific, the Library VBA-FileTools. This library also provides a bunch of other very useful functionalities.

    • My solution comes in the form of a standalone function without any dependencies. This is useful if this problem occurs in a small project where no additional functionality is required. Because implementing the desired universal functionality is complex, it is very long and convoluted for a single procedure.

    The Solutions


    • Should you encounter any bugs with our solutions, please report them here or on GitHub! In that case, I recommend you use this solution in the meantime, as it is the next most accurate solution available.

    Solution 1 - Library

    Import this library: VBA-FileTools from GitHub into your project. Getting the local name of your workbook is then as easy as:


    Full Mac support was added to this solution on Apr 5, 2023.
    Support for OneDrive version 23.184.0903.0001 was added to this solution on Sep 25, 2023.

    Solution 2 - Standalone Function

    Copy this function, from GitHub Gist into any standard code module.

    Getting the local name of your workbook now works in the same way as with Solution 1:


    Partial Mac support was added to this solution on Dec 20, 2022, and full support on Mar 20, 2023.
    Support for OneDrive version 23.184.0903.0001 was added to this solution on Oct 2, 2023.
    This function also offers some optional parameters, but they should almost never be needed. (See Gist for more information)

    You can also copy the shortened function (because of StackOverflows 30 000 character answer length limit) directly from here:

    'Function for converting a OneDrive URL to the corresponding local path
    'Algorithmically shortened code from here: 
    'Author: Guido Witt-Dörring
    Public Function GetLocalPath$(ByVal path$, Optional ByVal returnAll As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal preferredMountPointOwner$ = "", Optional ByVal rebuildCache As Boolean = False)
    #If Mac Then
    Const dr& = 70, ck$ = ".849C9593-D756-4E56-8D6E-42412F2A707B", ew As Boolean = True, ab$ = "/"
    Const ab$ = "\", ew As Boolean = False
    #End If
    Const ax$ = "GetLocalPath", ex& = 53, fr& = 7, fs& = 457, ey& = 325
    Static ac As Collection, ez As Date
    If Not Left$(path, 8) = "https://" Then GetLocalPath = path: Exit Function
    Dim r$, i$, b$, d
    Dim ds$: ds = LCase$(preferredMountPointOwner)
    If Not ac Is Nothing And Not rebuildCache Then
    Dim bp As Collection: Set bp = New Collection
    For Each d In ac
    i = d(0): r = d(1)
    If InStr(1, path, r, 1) = 1 Then bp.Add Key:=d(2), Item:=Replace(Replace(path, r, i, , 1), "/", ab)
    Next d
    If bp.count > 0 Then
    If returnAll Then
    For Each d In bp: b = b & "//" & d: Next d
    GetLocalPath = Mid$(b, 3): Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Resume Next: GetLocalPath = bp(ds): On Error GoTo 0
    If GetLocalPath <> "" Then Exit Function
    GetLocalPath = bp(1): Exit Function
    End If
    GetLocalPath = path
    End If
    Dim bg As Collection: Set bg = New Collection
    Dim ay, du$
    #If Mac Then
    Dim cl$, dv As Boolean
    b = Environ("HOME")
    du = b & "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/CLP/"
    b = Left$(b, InStrRev(b, "/Library/Containers/", , 0))
    bg.Add b & "Library/Containers/ Support/OneDrive/settings/"
    bg.Add b & "Library/Application Support/OneDrive/settings/"
    cl = b & "Library/CloudStorage/"
    bg.Add Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Microsoft\OneDrive\settings\"
    du = Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Microsoft\Office\CLP\"
    #End If
    Dim a&
    #If Mac Then
    Dim az() As Variant: ReDim az(1 To bg.count * 11 + 1)
    For Each ay In bg
    For a = a + 1 To a + 9
    az(a) = ay & "Business" & a Mod 11
    Next a
    az(a) = ay: a = a + 1
    az(a) = ay & "Personal"
    Next ay
    az(a + 1) = cl
    Dim dw As Boolean
    dw = getsetting("GetLocalPath", "AccessRequestInfoMsg", "Displayed", "False") = "True"
    If Not dw Then MsgBox "The current VBA Project requires access to the OneDrive settings files to translate a OneDrive URL to the local path of the locally synchronized file/folder on your Mac. Because these files are located outside of Excels sandbox, file-access must be granted explicitly. Please approve the access requests following this message.", vbInformation
    If Not GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(az) Then Err.Raise dr, ax
    #End If
    Dim db As Collection: Set db = New Collection
    For Each ay In bg
    Dim h$: h = Dir(ay, 16)
    Do Until h = ""
    If h = "Personal" Or h Like "Business#" Then db.Add Item:=ay & h & ab
    h = Dir(, 16)
    Next ay
    If Not ac Is Nothing Or ew Then
    Dim bf As Collection: Set bf = New Collection
    Dim g
    For Each g In db
    Dim t$: t = IIf(g Like "*" & ab & "Personal" & ab, "????????????*", "????????-????-????-????-????????????")
    Dim p$: p = Dir(g, vbNormal)
    Do Until p = ""
    If p Like t & ".ini" Or p Like t & ".dat" Or p Like "ClientPolicy*.ini" Or StrComp(p, "GroupFolders.ini", 1) = 0 Or StrComp(p, "global.ini", 1) = 0 Or StrComp(p, "SyncEngineDatabase.db", 1) = 0 Then bf.Add Item:=g & p
    p = Dir
    Next g
    End If
    If Not ac Is Nothing And Not rebuildCache Then
    Dim au
    For Each au In bf
    If FileDateTime(au) > ez Then rebuildCache = True: Exit For
    Next au
    If Not rebuildCache Then Exit Function
    End If
    Dim f&, am$, e() As Byte, j&, q&, bs&, av() As Byte, cn$, n() As Byte, ao$, ak() As Byte, ba() As Byte, bt$, aw&, y&, dz&, ea&
    ez = Now()
    #If Mac Then
    Dim z As Collection: Set z = New Collection
    h = Dir(cl, 16)
    Do Until h = ""
    If h Like "OneDrive*" Then
    dv = True
    g = cl & h & ab
    au = cl & h & ab & ck
    z.Add Item:=g
    bf.Add Item:=g
    bf.Add Item:=au
    End If
    h = Dir(, 16)
    If ac Is Nothing Then
    Dim dc
    If bf.count > 0 Then
    ReDim dc(1 To bf.count)
    For a = 1 To UBound(dc): dc(a) = bf(a): Next a
    If Not GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(dc) Then Err.Raise dr, ax
    End If
    End If
    If dv Then
    For a = z.count To 1 Step -1
    Dim bu&: bu = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    bu = GetAttr(z(a) & ck)
    Dim bv As Boolean: bv = False
    If Err.Number = 0 Then bv = Not CBool(bu And 16)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bv Then
    h = Dir(z(a), 16)
    Do Until h = ""
    If Not h Like ".Trash*" And h <> "Icon" Then
    z.Add z(a) & h & ab
    z.Add z(a) & h & ab & ck, z(a) & h & ab
    End If
    h = Dir(, 16)
    z.Remove a
    End If
    Next a
    If z.count > 0 Then
    ReDim az(1 To z.count)
    For a = 1 To z.count: az(a) = z(a): Next a
    If Not GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(az) Then Err.Raise dr, ax
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    For a = z.count To 1 Step -1
    z.Remove z(a)
    Next a
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim eb As Collection
    Set eb = New Collection
    For Each g In z
    bu = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    bu = GetAttr(g & ck)
    bv = False
    If Err.Number = 0 Then bv = Not CBool(bu And 16)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If bv Then
    f = FreeFile(): b = "": au = g & ck
    Dim ec As Boolean: ec = False
    On Error GoTo ReadFailed
    Open au For Binary Access Read As #f
    ReDim e(0 To LOF(f)): Get f, , e: b = e
    ec = True
    ReadFailed: On Error GoTo -1
    Close #f: f = 0
    On Error GoTo 0
    If ec Then
    av = b
    If LenB(b) > 0 Then
    ReDim n(0 To LenB(b) * 2 - 1): q = 0
    For j = LBound(av) To UBound(av)
    n(q) = av(j): q = q + 2
    Next j
    b = n
    Else: b = ""
    End If
    au = MacScript("return path to startup disk as string") & Replace(Mid$(au, 2), ab, ":")
    b = MacScript("return read file """ & au & """ as string")
    End If
    If InStr(1, b, """guid"" : """, 0) Then
    b = Split(b, """guid"" : """)(1)
    am = Left$(b, InStr(1, b, """", 0) - 1)
    eb.Add Key:=am, Item:=VBA.Array(am, Left$(g, Len(g) - 1))
    Debug.Print "Warning, empty syncIDFile encountered!"
    End If
    End If
    Next g
    End If
    If Not dw Then savesetting "GetLocalPath", "AccessRequestInfoMsg", "Displayed", "True"
    #End If
    Dim c, w$(), s&, co$, bk$, dd$, cp$, bl$, aa$, al$, at$, bz$, fx$, ca As Boolean, cb$, cc$, de$, fc$, fd$, ag$, fe$
    Dim ff$: ff = ChrB$(2)
    Dim ed As String * 4: MidB$(ed, 1) = ChrB$(1)
    Dim ee$: ee = ChrB$(0)
    #If Mac Then
    Const ef$ = vbNullChar & vbNullChar
    Const ef$ = vbNullChar
    #End If
    Dim cq As Collection, fi As Date
    Set cq = New Collection
    Set ac = New Collection
    For Each g In db
    h = Mid$(g, InStrRev(g, ab, Len(g) - 1, 0) + 1)
    h = Left$(h, Len(h) - 1)
    If Dir(g & "global.ini", vbNormal) = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
    f = FreeFile()
    Open g & "global.ini" For Binary Access Read As #f
    ReDim e(0 To LOF(f)): Get f, , e
    Close #f: f = 0
    #If Mac Then
    bt = e: GoSub DecodeUTF8
    e = ao
    #End If
    For Each c In Split(e, vbNewLine)
    If c Like "cid = *" Then t = Mid$(c, 7): Exit For
    Next c
    If t = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
    If (Dir(g & t & ".ini") = "" Or (Dir(g & "SyncEngineDatabase.db") = "" And Dir(g & t & ".dat") = "")) Then GoTo NextFolder
    If h Like "Business#" Then
    bz = Replace(Space$(32), " ", "[a-f0-9]") & "*"
    ElseIf h = "Personal" Then
    bz = Replace(Space$(12), " ", "[A-F0-9]") & "*!###*"
    End If
    p = Dir(du, vbNormal)
    Do Until p = ""
    a = InStrRev(p, t, , 1)
    If a > 1 And t <> "" Then bl = LCase$(Left$(p, a - 2)): Exit Do
    p = Dir
    #If Mac Then
    On Error Resume Next
    fi = cq(h)
    ca = (Err.Number = 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If ca Then
    If FileDateTime(g & t & ".ini") < fi Then
    GoTo NextFolder
    For a = ac.count To 1 Step -1
    If ac(a)(5) = h Then
    ac.Remove a
    End If
    Next a
    cq.Remove h
    cq.Add Key:=h, Item:=FileDateTime(g & t & ".ini")
    End If
    cq.Add Key:=h, Item:=FileDateTime(g & t & ".ini")
    End If
    #End If
    Dim bb As Collection: Set bb = New Collection
    p = Dir(g, vbNormal)
    Do Until p = ""
    If p Like "ClientPolicy*.ini" Then
    f = FreeFile()
    Open g & p For Binary Access Read As #f
    ReDim e(0 To LOF(f)): Get f, , e
    Close #f: f = 0
    #If Mac Then
    bt = e: GoSub DecodeUTF8
    e = ao
    #End If
    bb.Add Key:=p, Item:=New Collection
    For Each c In Split(e, vbNewLine)
    If InStr(1, c, " = ", 0) Then
    bk = Left$(c, InStr(1, c, " = ", 0) - 1)
    b = Mid$(c, InStr(1, c, " = ", 0) + 3)
    Select Case bk
    Case "DavUrlNamespace"
    bb(p).Add Key:=bk, Item:=b
    Case "SiteID", "IrmLibraryId", "WebID"
    b = Replace(LCase$(b), "-", "")
    If Len(b) > 3 Then b = Mid$(b, 2, Len(b) - 2)
    bb(p).Add Key:=bk, Item:=b
    End Select
    End If
    Next c
    End If
    p = Dir
    Dim x As Collection: Set x = Nothing
    If Dir(g & t & ".dat") = "" Then GoTo Continue
    Const fz& = 1000
    Const cs& = 255
    Dim bc&: bc = -1
    Try: On Error GoTo Catch
    Set x = New Collection
    Dim ct&: ct = 1
    Dim cu As Date: cu = FileDateTime(g & t & ".dat")
    a = 0
    If FileDateTime(g & t & ".dat") > cu Then GoTo Try
    f = FreeFile
    Open g & t & ".dat" For Binary Access Read As #f
    Dim dg&: dg = LOF(f)
    If bc = -1 Then bc = dg
    ReDim e(0 To bc + fz)
    Get f, ct, e: b = e
    Dim cv&: cv = LenB(b)
    Close #f: f = 0
    ct = ct + bc
    For d = 16 To 8 Step -8
    a = InStrB(d + 1, b, ed, 0)
    Do While a > d And a < cv - 168
    If StrComp(MidB$(b, a - d, 1), ff, 0) = 0 Then
    a = a + 8: s = InStrB(a, b, ee, 0) - a
    If s < 0 Then s = 0
    If s > 39 Then s = 39
    #If Mac Then
    cn = MidB$(b, a, s)
    GoSub DecodeANSI: al = ao
    al = StrConv(MidB$(b, a, s), 64)
    #End If
    a = a + 39: s = InStrB(a, b, ee, 0) - a
    If s < 0 Then s = 0
    If s > 39 Then s = 39
    #If Mac Then
    cn = MidB$(b, a, s)
    GoSub DecodeANSI: aa = ao
    aa = StrConv(MidB$(b, a, s), 64)
    #End If
    a = a + 121
    s = InStr(-Int(-(a - 1) / 2) + 1, b, ef, 0) * 2 - a - 1
    If s > cs * 2 Then s = cs * 2
    If s < 0 Then s = 0
    If al Like bz And aa Like bz Then
    #If Mac Then
    Do While s Mod 4 > 0
    If s > cs * 4 Then Exit Do
    s = InStr(-Int(-(a + s) / 2) + 1, b, ef, 0) * 2 - a - 1
    If s > cs * 4 Then s = cs * 4
    ak = MidB$(b, a, s)
    ReDim n(LBound(ak) To UBound(ak))
    j = LBound(ak): q = LBound(ak)
    Do While j < UBound(ak)
    If ak(j + 2) + ak(j + 3) = 0 Then
    n(q) = ak(j)
    n(q + 1) = ak(j + 1)
    q = q + 2
    If ak(j + 3) <> 0 Then Err.Raise ey, ax
    y = ak(j + 2) * &H10000 + ak(j + 1) * &H100& + ak(j)
    bs = y - &H10000
    ea = &HD800& Or (bs \ &H400&)
    dz = &HDC00& Or (bs And &H3FF)
    n(q) = ea And &HFF&
    n(q + 1) = ea \ &H100&
    n(q + 2) = dz And &HFF&
    n(q + 3) = dz \ &H100&
    q = q + 4
    End If
    j = j + 4
    If q > LBound(n) Then
    ReDim Preserve n(LBound(n) To q - 1)
    at = n
    Else: at = ""
    End If
    at = MidB$(b, a, s)
    #End If
    x.Add VBA.Array(aa, at), al
    End If
    End If
    a = InStrB(a + 1, b, ed, 0)
    If x.count > 0 Then Exit For
    Next d
    Loop Until ct >= dg Or bc >= dg
    GoTo Continue
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case fs
    x.Remove al
    Case Is <> fr: Err.Raise Err, ax
    End Select
    If bc > &HFFFFF Then bc = bc / 2: Resume Try
    Err.Raise Err, ax
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not x Is Nothing Then GoTo SkipDbFile
    f = FreeFile()
    Open g & "SyncEngineDatabase.db" For Binary Access Read As #f
    cv = LOF(f)
    If cv = 0 Then GoTo CloseFile
    Dim eg$: eg = ChrW$(&H808)
    Const gd& = 8, ge& = -3, fl As Byte = 9, fm& = 6, fn& = &H16, gf& = &H15, ce& = -16, cf& = -15, eh& = &H100000
    Dim bm&, cg&, bd&, ah(1 To 4) As Byte, an$, dk$, ei&, ej&, ek&, dl&, el As Byte, em As Byte, en As Boolean, eo&
    cu = 0
    ReDim e(1 To eh)
    a = 0
    If FileDateTime(g & "SyncEngineDatabase.db") > cu Then
    Set x = New Collection
    Dim dm As Collection: Set dm = New Collection
    cu = FileDateTime(g & "SyncEngineDatabase.db")
    bm = 1
    an = ""
    End If
    If LenB(an) > 0 Then
    at = MidB$(b, ei, ej)
    End If
    Get f, bm, e
    b = e
    a = InStrB(1 - ce, b, eg, 0)
    dl = 0
    Do While a > 0
    If a + ce - 2 > dl And LenB(an) > 0 Then
    If dl > 0 Then
    at = MidB$(b, ei, ej)
    End If
    bt = at: GoSub DecodeUTF8
    at = ao
    On Error Resume Next
    x.Add VBA.Array(dk, at), an
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    If dm(an) < em Then
    If x(an)(1) <> at Or x(an)(0) <> dk Then
    x.Remove an
    dm.Remove an
    x.Add VBA.Array(dk, at), an
    End If
    End If
    End If
    dm.Add em, an
    On Error GoTo 0
    an = ""
    End If
    If e(a + ge) <> gd Then GoTo NextSig
    en = True
    eo = 0
    If e(a + cf) = gf Then
    j = a + cf
    ElseIf e(a + ce) = fn Then
    j = a + ce
    en = False
    ElseIf e(a + cf) <= fl Then
    j = a + cf
    ElseIf e(a + cf) = fn Then
    j = a + cf
    eo = 1
    GoTo NextSig
    End If
    el = e(j)
    cg = fm
    For q = 1 To 4
    If q = 1 And el <= fl Then
    ah(q) = e(j + 2)
    ah(q) = e(j + q)
    End If
    If ah(q) < 37 Or ah(q) Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo NextSig
    ah(q) = (ah(q) - 13) / 2
    cg = cg + ah(q)
    Next q
    If en Then
    bd = e(j + 5)
    If bd < 15 Or bd Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo NextSig
    bd = (bd - 13) / 2
    bd = (e(j + 5) - 128) * 64 + (e(j + 6) - 13) / 2
    If bd < 1 Or e(j + 6) Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo NextSig
    End If
    cg = cg + bd
    ek = a + cg - 1
    If ek > eh Then
    a = a - 1
    Exit Do
    End If
    j = a + fm + eo
    #If Mac Then
    cn = MidB$(b, j, ah(1))
    GoSub DecodeANSI: al = ao
    al = StrConv(MidB$(b, j, ah(1)), 64)
    #End If
    j = j + ah(1)
    aa = StrConv(MidB$(b, j, ah(2)), 64)
    #If Mac Then
    cn = MidB$(b, j, ah(2))
    GoSub DecodeANSI: aa = ao
    aa = StrConv(MidB$(b, j, ah(2)), 64)
    #End If
    If al Like bz And aa Like bz Then
    ei = j + ah(2) + ah(3) + ah(4)
    ej = bd
    an = Left$(al, 32)
    dk = Left$(aa, 32)
    em = el
    dl = ek
    End If
    a = InStrB(a + 1, b, eg, 0)
    If a = 0 Then
    bm = bm + eh + ce
    bm = bm + a + ce
    End If
    Loop Until bm > cv
    Close #f
    f = FreeFile()
    Open g & t & ".ini" For Binary Access Read As #f
    ReDim e(0 To LOF(f)): Get f, , e
    Close #f: f = 0
    #If Mac Then
    bt = e: GoSub DecodeUTF8:
    e = ao
    #End If
    Dim ep As Collection: Set ep = New Collection
    Dim eq
    eq = VBA.Array("libraryScope", "libraryFolder", "AddedScope")
    Dim dn As Collection: Set dn = New Collection
    For Each d In eq
    dn.Add New Collection, CStr(d)
    Next d
    For Each c In Split(e, vbNewLine)
    If InStr(1, c, " = ", 0) = 0 Then Exit For
    bk = Left$(c, InStr(1, c, " = ", 0) - 1)
    Select Case bk: Case "libraryScope", "libraryFolder", "AddedScope"
    dn(bk).Add c, Split(c, " ", 4, 0)(2)
    End Select
    Next c
    For Each d In eq
    Dim dp As Collection: Set dp = dn(d)
    a = 0
    Do Until dp.count = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    c = "": c = dp(CStr(a))
    On Error GoTo 0
    If c <> "" Then
    ep.Add c
    dp.Remove CStr(a)
    End If
    a = a + 1
    Next d
    If h Like "Business#" Then
    Dim er As Collection: Set er = New Collection
    dd = ""
    For Each c In ep
    r = "": i = "": w = Split(c, """")
    Select Case Left$(c, InStr(1, c, " = ", 0) - 1)
    Case "libraryScope"
    i = w(9)
    ag = i: am = Split(w(10), " ")(2)
    co = Split(c, " ")(2)
    fx = w(3): w = Split(w(8), " ")
    cb = w(1): de = w(2): cc = w(3)
    If Split(c, " ", 4, 0)(2) = "0" Then
    dd = i: p = "ClientPolicy.ini"
    fd = am: fe = ag
    Else: p = "ClientPolicy_" & cc & cb & ".ini"
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    r = bb(p)("DavUrlNamespace")
    On Error GoTo 0
    If r = "" Then
    For Each d In bb
    If d("SiteID") = cb And d("WebID") = de And d("IrmLibraryId") = cc Then
    r = d("DavUrlNamespace"): Exit For
    End If
    Next d
    End If
    If r = "" Then Err.Raise ex, ax
    er.Add VBA.Array(co, r), co
    If Not i = "" Then ac.Add VBA.Array(i, r, bl, am, ag, h), Key:=i
    Case "libraryFolder"
    co = Split(c, " ")(3)
    i = w(1): ag = i
    am = Split(w(4), " ")(1)
    b = "": aa = Left$(Split(c, " ")(4), 32)
    On Error Resume Next: x aa
    ca = (Err.Number = 0): On Error GoTo 0
    If Not ca Then Exit Do
    b = x(aa)(1) & "/" & b
    aa = x(aa)(0)
    r = er(co)(1) & b
    ac.Add VBA.Array(i, r, bl, am, ag, h), i
    Case "AddedScope"
    If dd = "" Then Err.Raise ey, ax
    cp = w(5): If cp = " " Then cp = ""
    w = Split(w(4), " "): cb = w(1)
    de = w(2): cc = w(3): fc = w(4)
    p = "ClientPolicy_" & cc & cb & fc & ".ini"
    On Error Resume Next
    r = bb(p)("DavUrlNamespace") & cp
    On Error GoTo 0
    If r = "" Then
    For Each d In bb
    If d("SiteID") = cb And d("WebID") = de And d("IrmLibraryId") = cc Then
    r = d("DavUrlNamespace") & cp
    Exit For
    End If
    Next d
    End If
    If r = "" Then Err.Raise ex, ax
    b = "": aa = Left$(Split(c, " ")(3), 32)
    On Error Resume Next: x aa
    ca = (Err.Number = 0): On Error GoTo 0
    If Not ca Then Exit Do
    b = x(aa)(1) & ab & b
    aa = x(aa)(0)
    i = dd & ab & b
    ac.Add VBA.Array(i, r, bl, fd, fe, h), i
    Case Else: Exit For
    End Select
    Next c
    ElseIf h = "Personal" Then
    For Each c In Split(e, vbNewLine)
    If c Like "library = *" Then
    w = Split(c, """"): i = w(3)
    ag = i: am = Split(w(4), " ")(2)
    Exit For
    End If
    Next c
    On Error Resume Next
    r = bb("ClientPolicy.ini")("DavUrlNamespace")
    On Error GoTo 0
    If i = "" Or r = "" Or t = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
    ac.Add VBA.Array(i, r & "/" & t, bl, am, ag, h), Key:=i
    If Dir(g & "GroupFolders.ini") = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
    t = "": f = FreeFile()
    Open g & "GroupFolders.ini" For Binary Access Read As #f
    ReDim e(0 To LOF(f)): Get f, , e
    Close #f: f = 0
    #If Mac Then
    bt = e: GoSub DecodeUTF8
    e = ao
    #End If
    For Each c In Split(e, vbNewLine)
    If c Like "*_BaseUri = *" And t = "" Then
    t = LCase$(Mid$(c, InStrRev(c, "/", , 0) + 1, InStrRev(c, "!", , 0) - InStrRev(c, "/", , 0) - 1))
    al = Left$(c, InStr(1, c, "_", 0) - 1)
    ElseIf t <> "" Then
    ac.Add VBA.Array(i & ab & x(al)(1), r & "/" & t & "/" & Mid$(c, Len(al) + 9), bl, am, ag, h), Key:=i & ab & x(al)(1)
    t = "": al = ""
    End If
    Next c
    End If
    t = "": b = "": bl = ""
    Next g
    Dim ch As Collection: Set ch = New Collection
    For Each d In ac
    i = d(0): r = d(1): ag = d(4)
    If Right$(r, 1) = "/" Then r = Left$(r, Len(r) - 1)
    If Right$(i, 1) = ab Then i = Left$(i, Len(i) - 1)
    If Right$(ag, 1) = ab Then ag = Left$(ag, Len(ag) - 1)
    ch.Add VBA.Array(i, r, d(2), d(3), ag), i
    Next d
    Set ac = ch
    #If Mac Then
    If dv Then
    Set ch = New Collection
    For Each d In ac
    i = d(0): am = d(3): ag = d(4)
    i = Replace(i, ag, eb(am)(1), , 1)
    ch.Add VBA.Array(i, d(1), d(2)), i
    Next d
    Set ac = ch
    End If
    #End If
    GetLocalPath = GetLocalPath(path, returnAll, ds, False): Exit Function
    Exit Function
    Const ci As Boolean = False
    Dim u&, o&, bn&
    Static cj(0 To 255) As Byte
    Static fp&(2 To 4)
    Static dq&(2 To 4)
    If cj(0) = 0 Then
    For u = &H0& To &H7F&: cj(u) = 1: Next u
    For u = &HC2& To &HDF&: cj(u) = 2: Next u
    For u = &HE0& To &HEF&: cj(u) = 3: Next u
    For u = &HF0& To &HF4&: cj(u) = 4: Next u
    For u = 2 To 4: fp(u) = (2 ^ (7 - u) - 1): Next u
    dq(2) = &H80&: dq(3) = &H800&: dq(4) = &H10000
    End If
    Dim es As Byte
    ba = bt
    ReDim n(0 To (UBound(ba) - LBound(ba) + 1) * 2)
    o = 0
    u = LBound(ba)
    Do While u <= UBound(ba)
    y = ba(u)
    aw = cj(y)
    If aw = 0 Then
    If ci Then Err.Raise 5
    GoTo insertErrChar
    ElseIf aw = 1 Then
    n(o) = y
    o = o + 2
    ElseIf u + aw - 1 > UBound(ba) Then
    If ci Then Err.Raise 5
    GoTo insertErrChar
    y = ba(u) And fp(aw)
    For bn = 1 To aw - 1
    es = ba(u + bn)
    If (es And &HC0&) = &H80& Then
    y = (y * &H40&) + (es And &H3F)
    If ci Then Err.Raise 5
    GoTo insertErrChar
    End If
    Next bn
    If y < dq(aw) Then
    If ci Then Err.Raise 5
    GoTo insertErrChar
    ElseIf y < &HD800& Then
    n(o) = CByte(y And &HFF&)
    n(o + 1) = CByte(y \ &H100&)
    o = o + 2
    ElseIf y < &HE000& Then
    If ci Then Err.Raise 5
    GoTo insertErrChar
    ElseIf y < &H10000 Then
    If y = &HFEFF& Then GoTo nextCp
    n(o) = y And &HFF&
    n(o + 1) = y \ &H100&
    o = o + 2
    ElseIf y < &H110000 Then
    bs = y - &H10000
    Dim et&: et = &HDC00& Or (bs And &H3FF)
    Dim eu&: eu = &HD800& Or (bs \ &H400&)
    n(o) = eu And &HFF&
    n(o + 1) = eu \ &H100&
    n(o + 2) = et And &HFF&
    n(o + 3) = et \ &H100&
    o = o + 4
    If ci Then Err.Raise 5
    insertErrChar: n(o) = &HFD
    n(o + 1) = &HFF
    o = o + 2
    If aw = 0 Then aw = 1
    End If
    End If
    nextCp: u = u + aw
    ao = MidB$(n, 1, o)
    av = cn
    o = UBound(av) - LBound(av) + 1
    If o > 0 Then
    ReDim n(0 To o * 2 - 1): bn = 0
    For o = LBound(av) To UBound(av)
    n(bn) = av(o): bn = bn + 2
    Next o
    ao = n
    ao = ""
    End If
    End Function

    How Do the Solutions Work?

    Both solutions get all of the required information for translating the OneDrive URL to a local path from the OneDrive settings files inside of the directory %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\settings\....

    The following files may be read:

    (Wildcards: * - zero or more characters; ? - one character)


    Data from all of these files is used, to create a "dictionary" of all the local mount points on your pc, and their corresponding OneDrive URL-root. For example, for your personal OneDrive, such a local mount point could look like this: C:\Users\Username\OneDrive, and the corresponding URL-root could look like this:

    For more information on how exactly the dictionary is built and used, please refer to the extensive comments above the code in the Gist of the standalone function and the resources linked there.

    Testing and Comparison of Solutions

    I conducted extensive testing of all solutions I could find online. A selection of these tests will be presented here.

    This is a list of some of the tested solutions:

    Nr. Author Solution Tests passed
    1 Koen Rijnsent 0/46
    2 Cooz2, adapted for Excel by LucasHol 0/46
    3 Julio Garcia 0/46
    4 Claude 0/46
    5 Variatus 0/46
    6 MatChrupczalski 1/46
    7 Caio Silva and 2/46
    8 Alain YARDIM 2/46
    9 tsdn 2/46
    10 Peter G. Schild 2/46
    11 TWMIC 3/46
    12 Horoman 4/46
    13 Philip Swannell 4/46
    14 RMK 5/46
    15 beerockxs 5/46
    16 Virtuoso 5/46
    17 COG 5/46
    18 mohnston 5/46
    19 Tomoaki Tsuruya (鶴谷 朋亮) 5/46
    20 Greedo 52eaccd25814b84cc62cbeab9574d7a3 6/45
    21 Christoph Ackermann 6/46
    22 Schoentalegg 6/46
    23 Erlandsen Data Consulting 7/46
    24 Kurobako (黒箱) 7/46
    25 Tim Williams 8/46
    26 Erik van der Neut 8/46
    27 Ricardo Diaz 9/46
    28 Iksi 11/46
    29 Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS 11/46
    30 Ricardo Gerbaudo 14/46
    31 Guido Witt-Dörring Short solution 24/46
    32 Ion Cristian Buse 46/46
    33 Guido Witt-Dörring Universal Solution 038398b6be1b16c458365716a921814d 46/46

    Each line in the table in the below image represents one solution in the above table and they can be correlated using the solution number.
    Likewise, each column represents a test case, they can be correlated to this test-table by using the test-number. Unfortunately, Stack Overflow doesn't allow answers long enough to include the table of test cases directly in this post.

    Test result data

    All of this testing was done on Windows. On macOS, every solution except for Nr 32 and Nr 33 would pass 0/46 tests. The solutions presented in this post (#32 and #33) also pass every test on macOS.

    Most solutions pass very few tests. Many of these tests are relatively difficult to solve, some are absolute edge cases, such as tests Nr 41 to 46, that test how a solution deals with OneDrive folders that are synced to multiple different local paths, which can only happen if multiple Business OneDrive accounts are logged in on the same PC and even then needs some special setup. (More information on that can be found here in Thread 2)

    Test Nr 22 contains various Unicode emoji characters in some folder names, this is why many solutions fail with error here.

    If you have another different solution you would like me to test, let me know and I'll add it to this section.