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Issue forcing a return -1 from function in C

Creating a banker's program in beginner's C class. All of my code works successfully (after testing all cases), except for forcing a return of negative one in part of the loop. When the value is returned by copy to the main program it alters the balance.

Function return

  else { //If the amount to be withdrawn from the account is greater than the existing amount
        printf("Error. Withdrawal must be less than account balance.\n"); //Output error message
        return -1; //Return a negative one to the main program

Return by copy in main

case 3: //Cash Withdrawal

        printf("You are about to withdraw cash from an account.\n \n");
        withdrawnAmount = withdrawal(balance); //Calling function to withdraw money from existing account
        balance -= withdrawnAmount;
        printf("Your new account balance is $%d\n\n", balance);


  • I think in that case you should either return 0; so that the amount will not be deducted, like this:

     else { //If the amount to be withdrawn from the account is greater than the existing amount
            printf("Error. Withdrawal must be less than account balance.\n"); //Output error message
            return 0; //Return zero to the main program

    Or, if you want to keep using the negative one, you would need to check the value returned before deducting from the account balance, as follows:

    case 3: //Cash Withdrawal
        printf("You are about to withdraw cash from an account.\n \n");
        withdrawnAmount = withdrawal(balance); //Calling function to withdraw money from existing account
        if(withdrawnAmount > 0)
           balance -= withdrawnAmount;
        printf("Your new account balance is $%d\n\n", balance);

    Hope it helps.