I have a game where I want the player to be able to shoot a laser with a delay on it. The code works but I'm wondering if I am going the right way about doing this.
I was wondering what is the proper way to add the delay?
I tried to include the code relevant to the question.
private double laserDelay;
private TimeSpan laserShootInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6);
laserDelay = laserShootInterval.TotalSeconds;
if (currentKeyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
if(laserDelay == laserShootInterval.TotalSeconds)
laserDelay = laserDelay - laserShootInterval.TotalSeconds;
if(laserDelay < laserShootInterval.TotalSeconds)
Presuming you are not using delta time (fixed amount of ticks per second) I would do it like so:
int delay = 6 * ticksPerSecond; // ticks to delay for
int cooldown = 0;
public void loop()
if (currentKeyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
if(cooldown <= 0)
cooldown = delay
if(cooldown > 0){
cooldown -= 1;