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Reading a comma-seperated list of numbers fails C

I have a file containing a list of numbers separated by commas. I tried different methods of reading data, and this piece of code has worked without issues on different datasets.

Input for example (600 values):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <mem.h>

#define READ "r"
#define MAX_LINE_SIZE 4096
#define DATA_DELIMITER ","

unsigned char *readInput(const char *filename, size_t inputs) {
    unsigned char *input = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * inputs);
    unsigned char nbr;
    const char *token;
    int i;

    FILE *inputPtr = fopen(filename, READ);
    char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE];

    while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_SIZE, inputPtr)) {
        nbr = 0;
        for (token = strtok(line, DATA_DELIMITER); token && *token; token = strtok(NULL, ",\n")) {
            input[nbr] = (unsigned char) atoi(token);


    if(nbr != inputs){
        printf("Error, did not read all files. Only read %d\n",nbr);

int main() {

    unsigned char *d = readInput("../traces/inputs.dat", 600);

Though it only reads the first 88 values. If I change the max-line-size to for example 512, this number is 145. Though the value should - if I understand this correct - be equal to the length of the line, in my case ~2100 characters. So using 4098 shouldn't be an issue.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong.

How come I'm not reading all 600 values, but only parts of the data?


  • nbr is being used like an integer counter but is defined as an unsigned char. A char is one byte, and an unsigned byte has a range of 0 to 255. Incrementing beyond 255 will cause the byte to overflow and return to a value of 0. So, currently, nbr is actually the total number of entries processed mod 256.