very new to Codesys so bear with me. I know you can use a time picker, but it doesn't get displayed on the web visualisation for some reason. So trying to find a function that will display the day of the week that corresponds to the chosen date. eg. select 15.10.2018 and get "Monday"
there is a formula for calculating the day of the week on Wikipedia (German).
In CoDeSys:
d : INT:= 15; //day
m : INT:= 10; //month
y: INT:= 2018; //year
w: DINT; //result -> day of the week 1 = monday ...
w:= ((d + TRUNC(2.6 * ((m + 9) MOD 12 + 1) - 0.2) + y MOD 100 +
TRUNC(y MOD 100 / 4) + TRUNC(y / 400) - 2 * TRUNC(y / 100) - 1) MOD 7
+ 7) MOD 7 + 1;
This returns the day of the week as number. 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday etc.