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How can I make a time picker in angular like ios?

I have to implement a time picker in angular with the format or look of those of ios in angular and i dont know where to start!

For example:

Or something like:


  • how to identify of the 5 that are present the number that is in the middle?

    You can compute the current position based on the window:scroll event as follows:

      @HostListener("window:scroll", ['$event'])
      handleHHScroll(event) {
        this.hhValue = this.getValueByPosition(, 'hh');
      getValueByPosition(y, type) {
        let arr = type === 'hh' ? this.hhArray : this.mmArray;
        let index = Math.floor((y+17)/33);
        if(index < 0) index = 0;
        if(index >= arr.length) index = arr.length -1;
        return arr[index];

    Based on the current position you can compute the before and after part and render it on the UI

    Theres already an existing implementation at, see if that helps.