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Laravel-9 jQuery Timepicker Disable specific time how?

    timeFormat: 'h:mm a',
    interval: 60,
    minTime: '9',
    maxTime: '4:00pm',
    defaultTime: '9',
    startTime: '9:00',
    dynamic: false,
    dropdown: true,
    scrollbar: true,

How can I disable/remove 12pm from the selection of this jQuery timepicker?

9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm


  •             $(function() {
            step: 60,
            minTime:'9:00 a' ,
            maxTime: '4:00 p',
            defaultTime: '9',
            startTime: '9:00 a',
            dynamic: false,
            dropdown: true,
            scrollbar: true,
            'disableTimeRanges': [['12:00pm','12:01pm'],] 
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="demo">
    <input id="disableTimeRangesExample" type="text" class="time ui-timepicker-input" autocomplete="off">

    You can try with disableTimeRanges option to disable the range of 12pm to 12:01pm in jQuery Timepicker

    $(function() {
    step: 60,
    minTime:'9:00 a' ,
    maxTime: '4:00 p',
    defaultTime: '9',
    startTime: '9:00 a',
    dynamic: false,
    dropdown: true,
    scrollbar: true,
    disableTimeRanges': [['12:00pm','12:01pm']] 