I am working on React timepicker component where I have to show the by default time as "4:00 PM" and whenever user saves the data already then I need to auto-populate the existing saved data but eventhough I have given 'value' attribute and then the state variable but still it is not showing the existing time in the 'timepicker' component.
What I tried:
I am getting a time value of myStateVariableTime="05:00PM"
<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
<TimePicker label="Time"
value={myStateVariableTime ? myStateVariableTime : dayjs('2024-09-27T16:00')}
onChange={(newValue) => setMyStateVariableTime(newValue)}
I have tried with below also but didn't work though
value={myStateVariableTime ? dayjs(myStateVariableTime) : dayjs('2024-09-27T16:00')}
value={myStateVariableTime ? dayjs(myStateVariableTime).format('hh:mm A') : dayjs('2024-09-27T16:00')}
Any help would be greatful. Thanks.
Below fix worked for me
const handleTimeChange = (time) => {
let timeValue = default4PM
if(time) {
timeValue = dayjs(time).format('hh:mm A')
const default4PM = dayjs().hour(16).minute(0).second(0).format('hh:mm A')
<TimePicker label="Time" value={myStateVariableTime ? dayjs(myStateVariableTime, 'hh:mm A') : default4PM}
onChange={(newValue) => setMyTimePicker(newValue)}
textField: {
readOnly: true