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vb.netpowershellcastingpsobject casting a powershell output of objectmodel.collection(of PSObject) to a usable object

I'm using to remotely run some powershell commands, the output of the powershell.invoke is of the

ObjectModel.Collection(Of PSObject)


I'd like to cast these to usable class / collection. When I debug the code, and hover over the output / ObjectModel.Collection(Of PSObject) the data is shown as;

(0) {@{Name=John;Books=System.Collections.ArrayList}}
(1) {@{Name=Gerry;Books=System.Collections.ArrayList}}

How can I cast this into usable class/object?

I've try to make a custom class like so;

Class BookOwner
     public name as string
     public Books as systems.collections.arraylist
end class

and then cast it to the object;

dim MyBookOwner as BookOwner = trycast(Output(0).BaseObject, BookOwner)

output is of the objectmodel.collection(of PSObject) type.

But after the trycast the MyBookOwner stays empty.

How can I cast the ObjectModel.Collection(Of PSOject) to a usable object.


  • Based on what I can see of the PSObject type and not having done any actual testing, I think that you may be able to do this:

    Dim bookOwners As New List(Of BookOwner)
    For Each pso In myPsObjectCollection
        Dim props = pso.Properties
        Dim name = CStr(props.Single(Function(pspi) pspi.Name = "Name").Value)
        Dim books = DirectCast(props.Single(Function(pspi) pspi.Name = "Books").Value, ArrayList)
        bookOwners.Add(New BookOwner With (.Name = name, .Books = books})

    Of course, you could also condense that into a LINQ query if you wanted to.