Search code examples

Prepopulating Edit page for the row (Item) which has two keys in SAP UI5

This is my Item level page which has two Keys Request ID , Profile ID.

By selecting the item and on pressing the Edit Button, i should display the edit page with the data.

enter image description here

Code for Edit Button press

this.getRouter().getTargets().display("CreateCandidate", {
            mode: "update",
            objectPath: sObjectPath

Here I'm getting

sObjectPath = "ZRECRUITMENT_CANDIDATESet(RegNo=1,ProId=1)"

My manifest.json

                "viewName": "CreateCandidate",
                "viewId": "cand_creation",

In the edit page, what should i bind to the FORM & what should be my pattern URL for the edit page.

For header row, we will give ZENTITY_SET/1 kind of.

But if we have two keys, how we will give the Pattern . Is it like ZENTITY_SET/1/2 ? please guide me regarding this

My ODATA read query :


My OData Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	xmlns:m="" xml:base=""
	<title type="text">ZRECRUITMENT_CANDIDATESet(RegNo=1,ProId=1)</title>
	<link title="ZRECRUITMENT_CANDIDATE" href="ZRECRUITMENT_CANDIDATESet(RegNo=1,ProId=1)" rel="self"/>
	<link title="TOSALESDATA" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" href="ZRECRUITMENT_CANDIDATESet(RegNo=1,ProId=1)/TOSALESDATA" rel=""/>-
	<content type="application/xml">-
			<d:Exp>4 YEAR</d:Exp>
			<d:NoticePeriod>3 MONTH</d:NoticePeriod>
			<d:Email>[email protected]</d:Email>


  • See the docs for configuring the router here

    in manifest.json:

    "routes" : [
            name: "createCandidate",
            pattern: "create/{RegNo}-{ProId}",
            target: "CreateCandidate"
    "targets": {
        "CreateCandidate": {
            "viewName": "CreateCandidate",
            "viewLevel": 2

    then to nav to that view:

    oRouter.navTo("createCandidate", {
        RegNo: 1
        ProId: 1

    then in the CreateCandidate controller

    _onPatternMatched: function(oEvent) {
        // get the params RegNo and ProId from the event object - {RegNo: 1, ProId: 1}
        var oArgs = oEvent.getParameter("arguments"); 
        //use the ODataModel to create a binding path from the values
        var sBindingPath = this.getView().getModel().createKey("/ZRECRUITMENT_CANDIDATESet", oArgs);
        //Bind your view to the binding path
    onInit: function() {
         //get the route object from the router
         var oRoute = this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter().getRoute("createCandiate");
         //attach an event to the route which is fired when the route pattern is matched
         oRoute.attachPatternMatched(this._onPatternMatched, this);