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glob in giving only first file that matched pattern

I want to get a file list in a folder, using glob.h in C++.

Consider the following simple code:

#include <iostream>
#include "glob.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    glob_t globResult;
    string filePath = argv[1];
    cout<<"No. of files found:"<<globResult.gl_pathc<<endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < globResult.gl_pathc; i++)
            cout << string(globResult.gl_pathv[i]) << endl;
    return 0;

In a folder for following files:

    |- cat.jpeg
    |- dog.jpg
    |- rat.jpg

when I run Image ./Images/*, I only get cat.jpeg, instead of all three files.

What am I doing wrong?

Compiled using g++ 6.3 and clang++ 5.0.


  • As per the comment... all command line args to an executable will, generally speaking, be interpreted by the shell before being passed to your app. So, given the file hierarchy...

      |- cat.jpeg
      |- dog.jpg
      |- rat.jpg

    The command...

    Image ./Images/*

    will actually result in...

    Image ./Images/cat.jpeg ./Images/dog.jpg ./Images/rat.jpg

    So the first parameter passed to glob in your code will be ./Images/cat.jpeg and, hence, that will be the only match. To avoid shell expansion simply quote the arg...

    Image './Images/*'