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How to style angular ng-template selector

I am struggling with styling ng-template tag.
what i have tried in my .css file until now:

  • using #other_content as ID in my .css file
  • adding a class to <ng-template>
  • styling all <td> tags

It's not working and after searching i have not found any solution.


<div class="cont">
    <div class="scolldiv">
        <table border="1">
                    <th>Break After</th>
                <tr *ngFor="let charobj of Chars;let i = index" []="i">
                    <td class="tdcell" *ngIf= "charobj.after; else other_content">YES</td>
                    <ng-template  #other_content>NO</ng-template>
                            [ID]="'btnaddchars_' + i"
                            [BackColor]= "globals.sysButtonBackColor"
                            [Color]= "globals.sysButtonForeColor"
                            [HoverBackColor] = "globals.sysHoverButtonBackColor"
                            [HoverColor] = "globals.sysHoverButtonForeColor"
                            [Text] ="'Delete'"
                            [Width] ="'70px'"
                            (buttonWasClicked) ="onSymbolsFormButtonClick($event)"



enter image description here


  • Since the tag <ng-template> is converted into bindings when DOM is rendered something like this

      "ng-reflect-ng-if": "false",
      "ng-reflect-ng-if-else": "[object Object]"

    Try to give a class(CSS class) to your text example:

    <ng-template #other_content>
        <label class='_YOUR CSS CLASS_'>No</label>