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Join simple polygons and draw the resulting contours in Eyeshot

What is the simplest way to join a collection of polygons and draw the resulting contour using Eyeshot? So far I was able only to get filled regions but I am interested in the merging of the contours.


  • I came up to this solution. To display the polygons simply iterate through the joined regions, iterate through the ContourList and create the LinearPaths.

    private List<PolyRegion2D> Joiner(IEnumerable<Polygon2D> polygons) {
            // The resulting polygons are unconnected
            List<PolyRegion2D> res = new List<PolyRegion2D>();
            // Put every polygon in a region to do the unions.
            LinkedList<PolyRegion2D> polygonRegions = new LinkedList<PolyRegion2D>();
            foreach (Polygon2D polygon in polygons) {
                polygonRegions.AddLast(new PolyRegion2D(new Polygon2D[]{polygon}));
            while (polygonRegions.Count > 0) {
                PolyRegion2D first = polygonRegions.First.Value;
                PolyRegion2D union;
                LinkedListNode<PolyRegion2D> connected = FindConnected(first, polygonRegions, out union);
                if (connected == null) {
                    // Unconnected polygon
                } else {
                    // Intersection found
            return res;
        private LinkedListNode<PolyRegion2D> FindConnected(PolyRegion2D poly, LinkedList<PolyRegion2D> polys, out PolyRegion2D union) {
            LinkedListNode<PolyRegion2D> node = polys.First;
            while(node != null){
                PolyRegion2D[] union_ = PolyRegion2D.Union(poly, node.Value);
                if (union_.Length == 1) {
                    union = union_[0];
                    return node;
                node = node.Next;
            union = null;
            return null;