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Why is this C++ inheritance code sample behaves like this

I have a code sample which behaves strange for me. With inheritance in C++ one can declare array of pointers to base class with pure virtual function (aka Interface) and call derived member functions over it;

class Base {


    virtual void call() = 0;


class Derived1 : public Base {


    void call() override final {

        std::wcout << L"derived 1" << std::endl;



class Derived2 : public Base {


    void call() override final {

        std::wcout << L"derived 2" << std::endl;



int main() {

    Base* b[2];    

    b[0] = new Derived1;
    b[1] = new Derived2;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {



    return 0;


Which gives:

derived 1
derived 2

just as planned. But when I trying following code sample it makes me a little bit confusing:

class Base {


    virtual Base* print() = 0;

    template<typename T>
    Base& operator<<(const T &_val) {

        std::wcout << L" d0 << " << _val;
        return *this;



class Derived1 : public Base {


    Derived1* print() override final {

        return this;


    template<typename T>
    Derived1& operator<<(const T &_val) {

        std::wcout << L" d1 << " << _val;
        return *this;



class Derived2 : public Base {


    Derived2* print() override final {

        return this;


    template<typename T>
    Derived2& operator<<(const T &_val) {

        std::wcout << L" d2 << " << _val;
        return *this;



int main() {

    Base* b[2];

    b[0] = new Derived1;
    b[1] = new Derived2;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

        std::wcout << typeid(*b[i]->print()).name();
        *b[i]->print() << 7 << 7;
        std::wcout << std::endl;


    return 0;


The output is:

8Derived1 d0 << 7 d0 << 7
8Derived2 d0 << 7 d0 << 7

Which means that only Base's operator<< was called (But prints() return types seems to be correst).

The question is why it behaves like so?


Seems like I need static polymorphism here without virtual functions. But how could this be achieved? I need an array of different Derived classes to perform actions in operator<< on any data type. UPD2:

Looks like I can use type erasure for operator<< parameter. But how can I restore type inside derived's operator<< then? (For example if I suggest to use boost::any)


  • Your operator << () is not virtual, and so, if you call this operator of a base class pointer, always the base class implementation is called.

    That's because it's a template method, and template methods can't be virtual (see Can a C++ class member function template be virtual?).

    Solution would be to write virtual specialized operator << () for each supported data type (if you really want them to differ between inherited classes).

    Here's the changed code:

    class Base {
        virtual Base* print() = 0;
        virtual Base& operator<<( int _val ) = 0;
    class Derived1 : public Base {
        Derived1* print() override final {
            return this;
        Base& operator<<( int _val ) override final {
            std::wcout << L" d1 << " << _val;
            return *this;
    class Derived2 : public Base {
        Derived2* print() override final {
            return this;
        Base& operator<<( int _val ) override final {
            std::wcout << L" d2 << " << _val;
            return *this;
    int main() {
        Base* b[2];
        b[0] = new Derived1;
        b[1] = new Derived2;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            std::wcout << typeid(*b[i]->print()).name();
            *b[i]->print() << 7 << 7;
            std::wcout << std::endl;
        return 0;

    Another approach would be, to only implement the differing parts via class hierarchy (here: the class name), and to use the template operator for generic calls.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    class Base {
        virtual Base* print() = 0;
        virtual const wchar_t* className() const = 0;
        template<typename T>
        Base& operator<<(const T &_val) {
            std::wcout << L" " << className() << L" << " << L" << " << _val;
            return *this;
    class Derived1 : public Base {
        const wchar_t* className() const override final { return L"d1"; }
        Derived1* print() override final {
            return this;
    class Derived2 : public Base {
        const wchar_t* className() const override final { return L"d2"; }
        Derived2* print() override final {
            return this;
    int main() {
        Base* b[2];
        b[0] = new Derived1;
        b[1] = new Derived2;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            std::wcout << typeid(*b[i]->print()).name();
            *b[i]->print() << 7 << 7;
            std::wcout << std::endl;
        return 0;

    The last approach would be to RTTI cast according to the class type, and call the specialized operator << () according to the class type.

    #include <iostream>
    class Derived1;
    class Derived2;
    class Base {
        virtual Base* print() = 0;
    class Derived1 : public Base {
        Derived1* print() override final {
            return this;
        template<typename T>
        Derived1& operator<<(const T &_val) {
            std::wcout << L" d1 << " << _val;
            return *this;
    class Derived2 : public Base {
        Derived2* print() override final {
            return this;
        template<typename T>
        Derived2& operator<<(const T &_val) {
            std::wcout << L" d2 << " << _val;
            return *this;
    template<typename T>
    Base& operator<<( Base& _base, const T &_val) {
        if( typeid( _base ) == typeid( Derived1 ))
            return dynamic_cast<Derived1*>(&_base)->operator << (_val);
            return dynamic_cast<Derived2*>(&_base)->operator << (_val);
    int main() {
        Base* b[2];
        b[0] = new Derived1;
        b[1] = new Derived2;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            std::wcout << typeid(*b[i]->print()).name();
            *b[i]->print() << 7 << 7;
            std::wcout << std::endl;
        return 0;