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Dryioc register interface/class constructors with params

This is a very common questions and I have tried what is suggested on the dryioc website and some other samples on SO.but cannot make it work

Bcse its so simple I hope it will take somebody no time to reply.

Many thanks

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var mySample1 = new SampleOne {TestProperty = "Test1"};
        var mySample2 = new SampleTwo {TestProperty2 = "Test2"};

        using (var container = new Container())
            //below Works with no parameter in constructor
            container.Register<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();

            //how do you register/singleton with class that has constructors need to pass(mySample1,mySample2)


public interface ICustomerService


public class CustomerService : ICustomerService

    private readonly SampleOne sample1;
    private readonly SampleTwo sample2;

    public CustomerService(SampleOne sampleOne,SampleTwo sampleTwo)
        sample1 = sampleOne;
        sample2 = sampleTwo;
public class SampleOne 
    public string TestProperty { get; set; }
public class SampleTwo
    public string TestProperty2 { get; set; }


  • May be you forgot to register SampleOne and SampleTwo in container?

    var mySample1 = new SampleOne {TestProperty = "Test1"};
    var mySample2 = new SampleTwo {TestProperty2 = "Test2"};
    // the rest is the same