I have this code.
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension()
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
serviceCollection.AddLogging(configure =>
configure.AddSerilog(dispose: true);
return new DryIocContainerExtension(new Container(CreateContainerRules())
When I use DryIoc. Microsoft. DependencyInjection 5.1.0
upgrade to DryIoc.Microsoft. DependencyInjection6.0.0
return new DryIocContainerExtension(new Container(CreateContainerRules())
I have this error
"Method not found: 'DryIoc.Rules DryIoc.Rules.WithoutFastExpressionCompiler()"
What should I do? Thank you in advance!
is no longer an option in DryIoc v5 and DryIoc.MD.DI v6 per dependency. Prism.DryIoc should adapt. Please open an issue in the Prism repo.