I want to use child container from DryIoc, but somehow it is disposing singletons from parent container. How can I create child container which resolves the singleton instances, but does not dispose them?
public void Test1()
IService service;
using (var parent = new Container())
parent.Register<IService, Service>(Reuse.Singleton);
service = parent.Resolve<IService>();
using (var child = parent.With(parent.Rules, parent.ScopeContext, RegistrySharing.CloneAndDropCache, parent.SingletonScope.Clone()))
var service2 = child.Resolve<IService>();
Assert.AreEqual(service, service2);
Assert.IsFalse(service.IsDisposed); //child container disposed parent singleton!!!
public interface IService
bool IsDisposed { get; }
public class Service : IService, IDisposable
public void Dispose() => IsDisposed = true;
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
If the disposing of child container is causing trouble, just don't dispose it :) Thanks Dadhi.
using (var child = parent.With(parent.Rules, parent.ScopeContext, RegistrySharing.CloneAndDropCache, parent.SingletonScope.Clone())
.OpenScope()) // Here!
There is no need to dispose child container, because by openning new scope, all the disposables will be tracked inside explicit scope.