I need to be able to use DryIoc to create Lazy objects.
Because I'm working with a legacy application which use a God object and relies on a heavy Dictionary of complexe KeyPair<string, SomeAbstractType>
, I'd like to replace each value with a Lazy<SomeAbstractType>
counterpart and have the application load way faster.
I've done a POCO this way, but since I'm far from mastering DryIoc, I might have overdone it.
Here's the code I hope you'll be able to read.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using DryIoc;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
public class Program
public class Postoned
private readonly IContainer _container;
public Postoned(IContainer container)
_container = container;
public Lazy<T> Create<T>()
return new Lazy<T>(() =>
return _container.Resolve<T>();
public class Holder
public Lazy<int> Li { get; set; }
public Lazy<string> Ls { get; set; }
public Holder(Lazy<int> li, Lazy<string> ls)
Li = li;
Ls = ls;
static void Main(string[] args)
var c = new Container();
c.RegisterMapping<IContainer, Container>();
c.RegisterInstance(66, Reuse.Singleton);
c.RegisterInstance("string 66", Reuse.Singleton);
c.Register(Made.Of(() => new Postoned(Arg.Of<IContainer>())), Reuse.Singleton);
c.Register(Made.Of(r => ServiceInfo.Of<Postoned>(), (Postoned postoned) => postoned.Create<int>()), Reuse.Singleton);
c.Register(Made.Of(r => ServiceInfo.Of<Postoned>(), (Postoned postoned) => postoned.Create<string>()), Reuse.Singleton);
c.Register(Made.Of(() => new Holder(Arg.Of<Lazy<int>>(), Arg.Of<Lazy<string>>())), Reuse.Singleton);
var holder = c.Resolve<Holder>();
var li = holder.Li;
var i = li.Value;
EDIT [answer] :
It can be achieved a way simplier way XD.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using DryIoc;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
public class Program
public class Holder
public Lazy<int> Li { get; set; }
public Lazy<string> Ls { get; set; }
public Holder(Lazy<int> li, Lazy<string> ls)
Li = li;
Ls = ls;
static void Main(string[] args)
var c = new Container();
c.RegisterMapping<IContainer, Container>();
c.RegisterInstance(66, Reuse.Singleton);
c.RegisterInstance("string 66", Reuse.Singleton);
c.Register(Made.Of(() => new Holder(Arg.Of<Lazy<int>>(), Arg.Of<Lazy<string>>())), Reuse.Singleton);
var holder = c.Resolve<Holder>();
var li = holder.Li;
var i = li.Value;
DryIoc natively sypports injection of Lazy wrapper of service.
Does it work for you?