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Can't return std::shared_ptr from a function

i have a problem with returning of the shared pointer from a function. Exception is thrown on the line with the return statement from the function.

Here is the function:

// Icp.cpp
std::shared_ptr<ICPResult> Icp::fit() {

    // inner part of function

    // return values from inner part of fucntion
    double fitnessScore = icp.getFitnessScore();
    Eigen::Matrix4f transformation = icp.getFinalTransformation();

    return std::make_shared<ICPResult>(fitnessScore, transformation);

Relevant part of header header:

// Icp.h
std::shared_ptr<models::detection::ICPResult> fit();

Returned class:

// ICPResult.h
class ICPResult : public DetectionResult {
        ICPResult(const double score, const Eigen::Matrix4f transformation);

        Eigen::Matrix4f transformationIcp;

Parent class:

// DetectionResult.h
class DetectionResult {
        DetectionResult(const double score);

        double score;


Exception was thrown at line 892 in "...VS17\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.12.25827\include\memory" at the line with if statement

void _Decref()
    {   // decrement use count
    if (_MT_DECR(_Uses) == 0)
        {   // destroy managed resource, decrement weak reference count

Text of the exception: System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.'

I usually return shared pointer without any problems, but in this case i have no idea what is the problem. It seems to me like some problem with counting of references to the shared pointer, but i dont know how to handle it. I will be grateful for any ideas how to solve this problem.


  • Ok here is the solution. With reference to @Paul B answer the problem was that every class or structure which contain Eigen data types have to handle with fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types. For more info about this problem please visit

    Solution for my specific problem is adding EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW macro to public part of the ICPResult.h

    // ICPResult.h
    class ICPResult : public DetectionResult {
            ICPResult(const double score, const Eigen::Matrix4f transformation);
            Eigen::Matrix4f transformationIcp;

    Many thanks