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QTcpSocket - How to send two numbers

Client Application sends two (ushort) numbers via QTcpSocket to the server:

ushort MessageId = 4;
ushort MessageSize = 0;
socket->write((const char*) &MessageId, sizeof(ushort));
socket->write((const char*) &MessageSize, sizeof(ushort));

Server Application receives the 4 bytes long message and puts it into a QByteArray buffer then decodes the numbers:

int bytes = socket->bytesAvailable();
QByteArray buffer = socket->read(bytes)

const char * messageIdBytes = buffer.mid(0, 2);
ushort messageId = (ushort)(*messageIdBytes);

const char * messageSizeBytes = buffer.mid(2, 4);
ushort messageSize = (ushort)(*messageSizeBytes );

qDebug() << QString("MessageId Bits: [%1], Value: [%2].").arg(QString::number(messageId, 2), QString::number(messageId));
qDebug() << QString("MessageSize Bits: [%1], Value: [%2].").arg(QString::number(messageSize, 2), QString::number(messageSize));

This gives the following server output: (I added the spaces for readability)

MessageId Bits: [1111 1111 1101 1101], Value: [65501].
MessageSize Bits: [1111 1111 1101 1101], Value: [65501].
  • Problem: the server output should receive MessageId 4 and MessageSize 0.
  • Observation: sending different values from the client doessn't even affect the server output. It's always that weird number 65501..
  • Interesting: it does work however if I only write one number instead of two!

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


  • Sending raw numbers is never a good idea. Reasons for why this could be going wrong are:

    • Desychronisation
    • Endianess
    • Parsing errors
    • ...

    Best practice in Qt is to use QDataStream to send and receive data:

    Client code:

    QDataStream stream(socket);
    stream << MessageId << MessageSize;

    Server code:

    QDataStream stream(socket);
    ushort MessageId, MessageSize;
    stream >> MessageId >> MessageSize;
        qDebug() << "Worked:" << MessageId << MessageSize;
        qDebug() << "Error:" << stream.status();

    You can read more about QDataStream and read transactions at the Documentation