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C: How to modify the max size of a string in a struct?

The exercise gives a simple program to create databases, and this program turns around the following structure

struct Address {
  int id;
  int set;
  char name[MAX_DATA];
  char email[MAX_DATA];

I'm asked to modify the code so I can pass as an argument to the program the maximal length of .name and .email. Now, of course, if instead of defining MAX_DATA as a macro I work with it as a global variable, I get the error: variably modified 'name' at file scope.

Then I tried to create different if-loops aiming to pass the MAX_DATA value by redefiningstruct Address, for example:

if(argc > 6) {
  int maxdata = atoi(argv[6]);
  struct Address {
    int id;
    int set;
    char name[maxdata];
    char email[maxdata];
  DatabaseSet(conn, id, argv[4], argv[5]);

but DatabaseSet and DatabaseWrite (which work on a struct Connection that relates to another struct Database, who finally relates directly to struct Address) ignore the new lengths of name and email.


Thank you all for your comments and answers, your really helped me out with the exercise and with my general undestanding of C.


  •   struct Address {
        int id;
        int set;
        char *name;
        char *email;

    Then allocate memory dynamically in name and email based on your MAXDATA input.

    Then you do this struct Address p.

    And = malloc(MAXDATA);
    if( == NULL ){
       fprintf(stderr,"%s\n","Error in memory allocation");

    and then when you are done working with it


    In case you allocate memory for email you will have to call free() on it the sane way as shown before.