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how to secure and encrypt setting.xml paswords file in maven?

How to secure server/proxy settings in settings.xml in maven?

I assume this is mostly about login and passwords stored there and I assume that those can't be placed placed there explicitly, should they be stored in env variables/etc?

how should example of a secure settings.xml look?


  • You have 2 options:

    1)If you need only use in settings.xml:


    mvn --encrypt-password <password>

    You will get the encrypted password like this:


    You can use this password in you settings.xml:


    2)If you need to use in multiple uses:


    mvn --encrypt-master-password <password>

    Yo will get the encrypted password like this:


    Store this password in the ${user.home}/.m2/settings-security.xml it should look like:
