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How to disable Spring Cloud Kubernetes in a Maven build

Running Spring Boot 2.6.6 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.1

I'm attempting to migrate an existing service to Kubernetes so I added a dependency on spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes-client-all. By default, I have and use the kubernetes profile to enable it. This is intended to allow this service to operate in both Kubernetes and the legacy environment.

My unit-tests complete successfully when building locally but fail in my Bitbucket pipeline with the following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
Caused by: unresolved namespace

I suspect this occurs because Bitbucket Pipelines are deployed in Kubernetes and Spring somehow detects this. I have tried the following to no avail

  • Pass --define SPRING_CLOUD_KUBERNETES_ENABLED=false to Maven on the command line
  • Set this as an environment variable e.g., export SPRING_CLOUD_KUBERNETES_ENABLED=false
  • Pass --define to Maven on the command line

I have also checked StackOverflow for similar issues and investigated the code also without avail. The class that is actually raising the issue is KubernetesClientConfigUtils, which should be disabled.

I would appreciate any guidance you can provide.


  • Spring Cloud checks whether the application is running in a K8s environment before loading the active spring profile configuration and adds kubernetes to the active profiles. Previously, in Hoxton SR10, the profile was identified and bootstrap-<profile>.yml loaded before checking for Kubernetes. was picked up from there if set in the profile configuration or the maven pom properties.

    As maven allows setting system properties on the command line, kubernetes detection can be disabled by setting it there:

    mvn test

    The surefire maven plugin allows setting system properties for all tests, so it's possible to set to be false in the surefire plugin configuration.


    It is also possible to set the configuration on individual test classes using @Faron's approach to explicitly set the property in any WebMvcTest annotated unit test, e.g.:

    @WebMvcTest(properties = { "" })

    It should also work on other unit test annotation that loads a Spring application context, such as WebFluxTest.