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What is the spring-boot-configuration-processor ? Why do people exclude libraries from it? Why is it invisible in dependency tree?


So I noticed the following line in the gradle file of the jhipster project:

annotationProcessor ("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor") {
        exclude group: '', module: 'android-json'

We also used the same configuration in Maven for another project to solve the following problem: Maven transient dependency (library/jar vaadin json) is not being excluded


And now I have the following questions:

  • What does the spring-boot-configuration-processor dependency do?
  • Why is it necessary to sometimes exclude dependencies from the processor?
  • Why doesn't the processor necessarily appear in the mvn-dependency tree?
  • Why are exclusions used with processor in situations where it's very difficult to exclude a dependency?


  • spring-boot-configuration-processor is an annotation processor that generates metadata about classes in your application that are annotated with @ConfigurationProperties. This metadata is used by your IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans) to provide auto-completion and documentation for the properties when editing and application.yaml files. You can learn a bit more about it in the relevant section of Spring Boot's reference documentation.

    Since Spring Boot 1.5.10, the exclusion is no longer necessary as is no longer a dependency of spring-boot-configuration-processor.