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string format with JOIN inside SSRS expression

I am using an SSRS expression to format the result of a string like this based on a condition

  = IIf(my_condition,"All active items",JOIN (Parameters!SelectedBooks.label,"<br/>"))

This will make the resultant string comes on next lines automatically if my condition is false and is working fine . Instead of


i would like to use li tags


If li is used my items will comes better in HTML view. So how can i use a string format or use 3 sections with JOIN of SSRS expressions


  • I think that this expression should get you what you need.

    ="<li>" & Join(Parameters!SelectedBooks.Label, "</li><li>") & "</li>"

    No need to get too crazy with Format and Join, I think simple string concatenation and Join should do the trick.

    Result in preview mode:

    Preview Image

    This will display the raw HTML used in a TextBox and in preview mode, so I don't know what the value is. That part I leave up to you.

    Hope this helps.