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How to change the report table direction from right to left

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I want to make the emp_num is first column from right hand side and so on but i can't because of grouping :

I want to change this to :

overtime | daystate |expr(اليوم) | shiftName | empName | empNum

The code view :

<Tablix Name="Tablix2">
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox7">
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox9">
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox28">
                              <Value>وصف اليوم</Value>
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox4">
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox74">
                              <Value />
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox75">
                              <Value />
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox29">
                              <Value />
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox5">
                              <Value />
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="shiftName">
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="dayDate">
                    <Textbox Name="dayState">
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="overtime">
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox54">
                              <Value />
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox55">
                              <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox56">
                              <Value />
                              <Style />
                    <Textbox Name="Textbox57">
                              <Value>=(TimeSpan.FromTicks(Sum(Fields!overtime.Value)).Days * 24 +
  +":" + TimeSpan.FromTicks(Sum(Fields!overtime.Value)).Minutes.ToString("d2")</Value>
            <TablixMember />
                  <Textbox Name="Textbox80">
                            <Value>رقم الموظف</Value>
                      <Textbox Name="Textbox71">
                                <Value>اسم الموظف</Value>
              <Group Name="empNum">
                  <Textbox Name="empNum">
                            <Style />
                  <Group Name="empName">
                      <Textbox Name="empName">
                                <Style />
                      <Group Name="Details" />
                        <TablixMember />


  • As far as I know there isn't any easy way to achieve this. There is however a possible workaround to accomplish your wanted result.
    You could add an extra row above use that to place your parent column values in.

    1. Add the Group in the groups section.
      A new column to the left will appear which isn't what you wanted but don't leave that new section just yet.
    2. Right-click and insert a new Row.
      This row is now also part of the Parent Group and can have the grouped headers displayed in any column or place inside of it by using an aggregate expression for example. You could add a couple of extra empty columns add the end and place the fields above it there, so you get the exact mirror of your current layout.
    3. Right-click the unwanted left (grouping) column and delete it. Be careful to only delete the column and NOT the associated group level.

    Placing the children columns in the right order should be very straightforward but if anything is still unclear, just let me know and I'll update.