I am getting the above error while creating a report in SSRS. I am trying to get 2 data sets from 2 databases, and I did so by creating a master report with data from Dataset1, and a subreport with another dataset.
The error goes away when I create a subreport of the same dataset. Any ideas on what I might have done wrong?
See below screenshots:
The error happens when I do the following:
Generally speaking from what I have seen SSRS has THE WORST ERRORS KNOWN TO HUMANKIND on telling you what is wrong. Generally speaking I have seen this one and the main culprit is one of three things:
When you insert a 'Subreport' you may right click and select 'properties'. It has a 'Parameters' side panel you need to select and you need to 'Add' (for each one in the correct order and type) a 'Name' (the parameter name of the report) and the matching 'Value' from the current report passed into it.
EG: So if I had a subreport that wanted a customer to show demographic info on them and I had a master report that had rows of Business data with a customer id each per row. If my subreport took a 'CustomerID' parameter I would have that for the Name and choose '[Customer_ID]' from the current Dataset to pass to it.
You must keep in mind you must 'Add' each seperate parameter that the sub report requires.