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How to make RowNumber (local report) work in this case?

I have a Report with a group, each group has some different rows. Using RowNumber([group_name]) will return the last row number in the group and RowNumber(nothing) will return the row number running through all the rows in the group. I want to have some kind of RowNumber which returns the group number instead.

For example, here is the sample table in the report:

//This is grouped by Name
Order          Name            Item
 1              A              Item 1 of A 
                               Item 2 of A
 2              B              Item 1 of B
                               Item 2 of B
                               Item 3 of B
 3              C              Item 1 of C
 4              D              Item 1 of D

The above table is what I want, however if using RowNumber("NameGroup") for the column Order, the result will be:

Order          Name            Item
 2              A              Item 1 of A 
                               Item 2 of A
 3              B              Item 1 of B
                               Item 2 of B
                               Item 3 of B
 1              C              Item 1 of C
 1              D              Item 1 of D

If using RowNumber(nothing) for the column Order, the result will be:

Order          Name            Item
 2              A              Item 1 of A 
                               Item 2 of A
 5              B              Item 1 of B
                               Item 2 of B
                               Item 3 of B
 6              C              Item 1 of C
 7              D              Item 1 of D

Preparing data for the Order column is OK but I want to use some support of Local Report for this kind of work (numbering the row). In fact, I want to number the group in this case, not the row. How can I resolve this?


  • You could look at using the RunningValue function for this, something like:

    =RunningValue(Fields!Name.Value, CountDistinct, "DataSet1")

    You might have to play with the Scope parameter to get the correct Scope for your desired results.