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Replacement for C low level programming?

So C obviously has a pretty dominant low level programming stronghold.....but is anything coming out that challenges/wants to replace it?

Python/C#/etc all seem to be aimed at very high level, but when it comes down to nitty-gritty low level stuff C seems to be king and I haven't seen much "try" to replace that?

Is there anything out there, or does learning C for low level stuff seem to be the standard?


  • The recent trend is moving towards object oriented and managed languages - For example Symbian as an OS is entirely written in C++, Also Microsoft research has come with Singularity OS which is a managed programming model. The idea is that managed languages protect users from easy to make mistakes in C - like resource leaks, pointer corruptions etc by abstracting away these ideas. Also object oriented paradigm helps in writing easy to maintain code. For now C still rule the embedded world, however we can see that changing in coming decade, with more and more embedded world embracing C++ as the language of choice.