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SQL query to get object names in Enterprise Architect diagram

I want an SQL query to get the list of object names in a specific diagram of Enterprise Architect.

My target Diagram_ID is 184

Elements are stored in t_object and diagram objects (the graphical representation of one element in one diagram) in t_diagramobjects. An entry in t_diagramobjects has a reference to the diagram (Diagram_ID) and to the element being displayed (Object_ID).

  • t_object table: has columns Object_ID and Name

  • t_diagramobjects table: has columns Object_ID and Diagram_ID

If I do:

select Object_ID from t_diagramobjects where Diagram_ID=184

I get the list of Object_IDs but I need the names. I want a query involving t_object table to get the names.


  • EDIT: Rereading your question, seems like you do not know about join.

    Here is a link (Assuming SQL Server again):

    Another EDIT

    Here is more detail about why a normal join does not work.

    You can have your ea project in the form of a local file or in a database. When stored in a local file, it is stored as a MS Access database. MS Access does not support the join keyword alone, you need to put either inner join, outer join, left join, right join...

    And for those that do not know, you can run SQL queries in a local file project by creating a new search as a SQL Query.

    enter image description here

    Diagram Objects represent the Visual elements you see on the diagrams. The table t_object contains the elements in the repository, so you can make a simple join with the OBJECT_ID column.

    This query should work on an access database (.eap file) as well as on a SQL Server database:

    select from t_object o
    inner join t_diagramobjects do
    on do.Object_ID=o.Object_ID
    where do.Diagram_ID=184