Let's say I have a db of Customers. I want to fetch data and filter rows by exact pairs.
I want to do the following using sqlalchemy:
SELECT first_name, age
FROM Customers
WHERE (first_name, age) in (('John', '31'),('Robert', '22'));
I know I can do this:
SELECT first_name, age
FROM Customers
WHERE first_name in ('John', 'Robert') and age in ('31','22');
like this:
with get_mariadb_session() as session:
query = select(
and_(Customers.name.in_(names), Customers.age.in_(ages))
res = session.execute(query)
But this might return a result set with a record ('John','22') too.
Is it possible to do tuple matching in sqlalchemy?
You can do this by wrapping the LHS with sqlalchemy.tuple_
import sqlalchemy as sa
with Session() as s:
q = (
sa.select(Customer.name, Customer.age)
sa.tuple_(Customer.name, Customer.age).in_(
[("John", "31"), ("Robert", "22")]
for customer in s.execute(q):
print(f"{customer.name = } {customer.age = }")