I have a basic bistable code, i compile it without any errors, but when i whant to add waveforms after i hit run(f9), my altera program doesn't do anything... Here is my code:
module bistable(input a,
input rst,
input ck,
output reg out);
always@(posedge ck)
if(!rst) out<=0;
else out<=a;
Test module:
module test();
reg a;
reg ck;
reg rst;
wire out;
bistable bis(.a(a),.ck(ck),.rst(rst),.out(out));
initial begin
forever ck=~ck;
initial begin
#14 rst=1;
#20 rst=0;
I did programs without clock and my waveforms appeared very well, but that's not what I think is the cause of my problem.
Thanks in advance for any help!
forever ck=~ck;
is a zero time infinite loop. The simulation will not move to the next time step until all operations on the current time step is completed (which is impossible when there is a zero time infinite loop).
Adding time delay to your clock will help. For example: forever #5 ck=~ck;
Check your log file. Some simulators will report errors or warnings when they encounter an infinite loop.