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Compile apache ignite c++ examples

I want to use apache ignite along a c++ application I am developing. So far, I've downloaded ignite from the website, and compiled the ignite c++ as specified in the DEVNOTES.TXT file:

cd platforms/cpp
libtoolize && aclocal && autoheader && automake --add-missing && autoreconf

It seems to work, since I got no error messages. However, I couldn't found binaries for the example applications, such as the code in the putget-example directory, which is close to what I want to do in my own code.

Thus, I'd like to know how can I compile this and other ignite c++ examples. Also, suppose I want to use apache ignite with another application I'm writing, how do I compile it with ignite c++ library?


  • Examples should be compiled separately. See platforms/cpp/examples/README.txt:

    cd platforms/cpp/examples
    libtoolize && aclocal && autoheader && automake --add-missing && autoreconf

    Note, that you have to compile main project prior to building examples (which you've already done, I believe).