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bazel rules for the protobuf C++ compiler

I'm using Bazel and Google's protocol buffers. I want to add a Bazel rule so I can generate the C++ API from the .proto files. In GNU make, I would do (simplified example):

%.h: %.proto
    protoc --cpp_out=. $<

How can I accomplish the same (i.e. generate the API whenever mymessage.proto changes) using Bazel?


  • Native support for cc_proto_library has recently landed in Bazel:

    tl;dr, after setting your WORKSPACE file once,

        name = "person_cc_proto",
        deps = [":person_proto"],
        name = "person_proto",
        srcs = ["person.proto"],
        deps = [":address_proto"],


    $ bazel build :person_cc_proto

    There's an example at

    The gist is that you define a proto_library to "import" you .proto file into Bazel, and cc_proto_library to compile it to C++. The protocol buffer compiler and runtimes are taken by default from @com_google_protobuf//:protoc and @com_google_protobuf_cc//:cc_toolchain, respectively.

    The reason for this separation is to enable large proto graphs that need to be compiled to multiple languages.