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How do I add a click event on OpenLayers 4?

I need to attach an event listener to a feature in OpenLayers 4. I've tried the feature.on('click',function(){...}) but it is not working. How can i add tan event to a feature? Thank you in advance.


  • There is no click event registered for a feature ol.Feature object. But click event is present for ol.Map. Use forEachFeatureAtPixel method to get all the features at a pixel and compare it with the feature for which you want to add a listener.

    Relevant Code :

    var featureListener = function ( event ) {
        alert("Feature Listener Called");
    map.on('click', function(event) {
        map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(event.pixel, function(feature,layer) {
            if ( feature.getId() == "IND" ) {

    I have created this pluckr link which demonstrates this. Click on India map.