I am using leaflet in a dashboard I created through shiny. I am trying to map the data I have but leaflet doesn't recognize it because the measurement of my lat and long data is in feet and not decimal degrees (ex: x = 33.867022, y = -112.1409750).
I know I have lat and long data in feet measurement (ex: x = 632086.70, y = 1043211.35) because I was easily able to map this in ArcMap by simply using the "display xy" function. Then I was able to convert the measurement format by using the "calculate geometry" function to transform from feet to a decimal degrees measurement. I am trying to automate my maps and would prefer NOT to use ArcMap for this conversion as I would like to stay in one platform (R).
My potential options (I think) and therefore questions are as follows:
1. Convert my data into something leaflet can recognize. Would anyone know the code, steps and/or package I need to use to convert the measurement of my lat and long data from feet to decimal degrees?
2. Tell leaflet to read my data in a different measurement. Is there a way (code, package, etc) to tell leaflet to read my points in feet measurement rather than decimal degrees?
Or any other suggestions???
Thank you for all the help provided... My co-worker figured it out, we used the code below.
proj4string(d) <- CRS("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=31+lon_0=-111.9166666666667+k=0.9999 +x_0=213360 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83+to_meter=0.3048006096012192+no_defs")
CRS.new <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326") # WGS 84
d.ch102650 <- spTransform(d, CRS.new)
@IvanSanchez the CRS comment was helpful.