I'm struggling for hours to get my query work but with no success.
I have a table with a GEOMETRY column which stores the POLYGON of a given area from sub-localities. Now i want to Union them all to one higher level boundary of the parent area for example:
SELECT ST_Union(geometry) FROM area
I always the the error:
#1582 - Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'ST_Union'
I don't think that this is the wanted behaviour of the function, since this makes it completely worthless. Does anybody know how to use this function to generate the intended results?
MySQL doesn't have an aggregate form of ST_Union
, or any other spatial function.
If you're looking for spatial aggregates you'll have to migrate to PostgreSQL/PostGIS. MySQL has only minimal GIS functionality.
SELECT ST_Union( Point(0,0), Point(0,1) );
For a comparison of MySQL and PostgreSQL, see my post here