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Customizing leaflet popup in R

I am using RStudio to create a choropleth leaflet map. I have Country and Url as an attribute in the shapefile that I imported to R.

I wish to show the Country name and URL as a hyperlink within the popup of the final map.

Below is the code I have used so far:

m <- world_shapefiles %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldStreetMap) %>%      
            labelOptions = labelOptions(style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px", textsize = "15px",
direction = "auto")), 
              popup = ~ paste("Country:", country, "<br/>","<b/>","URL:", url)

I want to see the text "Click here" instead of the entire url in the popup, I tried using the below code with no luck.

popup = ~ paste("Country:", counry, "<br/>","<b/>","URL:", "<b><a href=url>Click Here</a></b>")

Do you have any ideas on how to achieve it?


  • Overview

    After reading R, leaflet package, Passing a character vector of HTML tags to popups?, here's how you would modify your existing code:

    # it seems ~ doesn't work inside of the paste0() function
    # which is why I accessed the variables through the $
    popup = paste0( "Country:"
                     , world_shapefiles$country 
                     , "<br>"
                     , "<a href='"
                     , world_shapefiles$url
                     , "' target='_blank'>"
                     , "Click Here</a>"

    Reproducible Example

    I use the World Borders Data Set to download shapefiles for each country in the world. I then add a Wikipedia URL for each country in the data set.

    SS of Leaflet Map w/popup to Wiki

    # load necessary packages
    library( leaflet )
    library( sf )
    # download zip file
      url = ""
      , destfile = ""
    # unzip 
    unzip( zipfile = "" )
    # transfrom to sf
    world.borders <-
      read_sf( dsn = getwd()
               , layer = "TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3" )
    # add the wikipedia page for each country
    world.borders$wiki <-
      paste0( "", world.borders$NAME )
    # make leaflet map <-
      leaflet( options = leafletOptions( minZoom = 2 ) ) %>%
      setMaxBounds( lng1 = -180
                    , lat1 = -89.98155760646617
                    , lng2 = 180
                    , lat2 = 89.99346179538875 ) %>%
      addTiles( urlTemplate = "{z}/{y}/{x}" ) %>%
      addPolygons( data = world.borders
                   , fill = "#D24618"
                   , color = "#D24618"
                   , opacity = 0.5
                   , fillOpacity = 0.01
                   , weight = 3
                   , popup = paste0(
                     "<b>Country: </b>"
                     , world.borders$NAME
                     , "<br>"
                     , "<a href='"
                     , world.borders$wiki
                     , "' target='_blank'>"
                     , "Click Here to View Wiki</a>"
                   , label = ~NAME
                   , labelOptions = labelOptions(
                     style = list("font-weight" = "normal"
                                  , padding = "3px 8px"
                                  , textsize = "15px"
                                  , direction = "auto" ) )
                   , highlightOptions = highlightOptions( 
                     color = "#10539A"
                     , weight = 3
                     , fillColor = NA
    # display map
    # end of script #