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What is "rudimentary" about Armadillo's sp_mat::const_row_iterator?

Armadillo's documentation mentions that the sp_mat::const_row_iterator is rudimentary (link). I was wondering what this means in the following context. I am deciding between the following two strategies for reading all column values corresponding to each of the rows (in a given set of rows, call it A) from an Armadillo sparse matrix: 1) Loop through each column using an appropriate iterator; if .row() is in A, we extract the element; repeat. 2) For each row in A, use sp_mat::const_row_iteratorobtained with a .begin_row(row) call to iterate through values corresponding to only that row. Does "rudimentary" in the Armadillo documentation means pretty much doing (1)? Or, is it more cost effective than strategy (1)?


  • From here: it says sparse matrix support is "preliminary." Not rudimentary. Perhaps it was changed since you read it last. Or you need to provide a link directly to the documentation you are referring to.

    In either case I would read it as telling you that the sparse matrix support has only just been introduced and it may be buggy or may change in future versions.

    And I looked at the source code, and I believe that documentation is out of date and wrong. There's nothing "forward" or "rudimentary" about the iterator implementation.

    From armadillo-7.800.1/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp around line 525 is the const_row_iterator implementation, and it looks random access and very complete to me.