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WebStorm - How do 'Web Browser' Tools work?

I'm currently exploring WebStorm, part of the JetBrains IDE collection. Within Preferences > Tools there is a section entitled Web Browsers which lists of all of the modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, etc.). It is possible to enable/disable these options.

WebStorm > Preferences > Tools > Web Browsers

I cannot seem to determine what enabling/disabling these options does other than remove them from the View > Open in Browser select menu.

According to this JetBrains article, they serve the ability to preview HTML output.

What are the consequences (or perks) of disabling browsers in this section? Do these tools have any purpose other than serving as a convenient way to test your project's HTML?


  • The only consequence of disabling the browser is losing the ability to preview HTML files in it (via View > Open in Browser or using browsers bar in HTML editor)